

Læknablaðið - 15.09.2009, Page 25

Læknablaðið - 15.09.2009, Page 25
FRÆÐIGREINAR RANNSÓKN 14. Koren-Morag N, Goldbourt U, Tanne D. Poor functional status based on the New York Heart Association classification exposes the coronary patient to an elevated risk of ischemic stroke. Am Heart J 2008; 155: 515-20. 15. Nashef SAM, Rogues F, Michel P, Gauducheau E, Lemeshow S, Salamon R. European system for cardiac operative risk evaluation (EuroSCORE). Eur J Cardio-Thorac Surg 1999; 16: 9-13. 16. Sethi GK, Copeland JG, Goldman S, Moritz T, Zadina K, Henderson WG. Implications of preoperative administration of aspirin in patients undergoing coronary-artery bypass- grafting. J Am Coll Cardiol 1990; 15:15-20. 17. Mangano DT, the Multicenter Study of Perioperative Ischemia Research Group. Aspirin and Mortality from Coronary Bypass Surgery. N Engl J Med 2002; 347:1309-17. 18. Alghamdi AA, Moussa F, Fremes SE. Does the use of preoperative aspirin increase the risk of bleeding in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting surgery? 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Preoperative use of enoxaparin compared with unfractionated heparin increases the incidence of re-exploration for postoperative bleeding after open-heart surgery in patients who present with an acute coronary syndrome - Clinical investigation and reports. Circulation 2002; 106:119-122. 24. Sigurjónsson H, Torfason B, Viðarsson BG, Guðbjartsson T. Blæðing er aukin eftir kransæðahjáveituaðgerðir á sláandi hjarta í samanburði við aðgerðir framkvæmdar með aðstoð hjarta-og lungnavélar. Læknablaðið 2008; 94/suppl 55: 15 [abstract]. 25. Leal-Noval SM, Rincon-Ferrari MD, Garcia-Curiel A, et al. Transfusion of blood components and postoperative infection in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Chest 2001; 119:1461-8. 26. Chelemer SB, Prato BS, Cox PM, O'Connor GT, Morton JR. Association of bacterial infection and red blood cell transfusion after coronary artery bypass surgery. Ann Thorac Surg 2002; 73:138-42. 27. Sigurjónsson H, Torfason B, Viðarsson BG, Guðbjartsson T. Samanburður á kransæðahjáveituaðgerðum framkvæmdum á sláandi hjarta og með aðstoð hjarta- og lungnavélar. Læknablaðið 2007; 93: 328-9 [abstract]. 28. Blóðbankinn. Handbók Blóðbankans. In: Björn Harðarson, Marín Þórsdóttir, eds. 2 ed. Reykjavík; 2008. 29. Schneeweiss S, Seeger JD, Landon J, Walker AM. Aprotinin during coronary-artery bypass grafting and risk of death. N Engl J Med 2008; 358: 771-83. 30. Ingimarsson JP, Önundarson PT, Valsson F, Viðarsson B, Guðbjartsson T. Árangur á notkun líftæknigerðs espaðs storkuþáttar Vlla við meiriháttar blæðingum í opnum hjartaskurðaðgerðum. Læknablaðið 2008; 94: 607-12. Reoperation for bleeding following open heart surgery in lceiand Introduction: Postoperative bleeding is a common and potentially fatal complication following open heart surgery, studies reporting a reoperation rate for bleeding in the range of 2-6%. Surgical outcome after such reoperations has not been previously studied in lceland. Material and methods: In this retrospective study were included all adults that underwent open heart surgery in lceland during a 6 year period, between January 1,2000 and December 31,2005. Results: There were 103 reoperations (mean age 68 years, 76% males), but throughout the same 6 year period a total of 1295 open heart procedures were performed, the reoperation-rate being 8%. One third of ail patients were on aspirin and 8% on clopidogrel less than 5 days before surgery. The bleeding in the primary operation averaged 1523 ml (range 300-4780) and 3942 ml for the first 24 hours postoperatively. Half of the patients were reoperated on within 2 h and 97% within 24 hours. The patients received on average 16.5 units of packed cells, 15.6 units of plasma and 2.3 sets of thrombocytes. The most common postoperative complication was atrial fibrillation (58.3%), pleural effusion that needed chest tube drainage (24.3%), myocardial infarction (23.3%) and sternal wound infection (11.7%). Median length of stay was 14 days (range 6-85), including 2 days (range 1-38) in ICU. Operative mortality was 15.5% and 1 year crude survival 79.6%. Conclusion: Reoperation-rate for bleeding was 8%, which is higher compared to other studies. Bleeding is a serious complication following open heart surgery with high morbidity and significant mortality. Smarason NV, Sigurjonsson H, Hreinsson K, Arnorsson T, Gudbjartsson T. Reoperation for bleeding following open heart surgery in lceland. Icel Med J 2009; 95:567-573. Key words: Postoperative bleeding, reoperation, open heart surgery, CABG, valve replacement, complications, transfusions, survival. Correspondence: Tómas Guðbjartsson, tomasgud@iandspitaii.is > Œ < 5 2 z UJ Barst: 19. janúar 2009, - samþykkt til birtingar: 29. júní 2009 LÆKNAblaðið 2009/95 573 GLISH SU



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