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Public views on antidepressant treatment: lessons from a national survey
Background: In lceland antidepressant sales figures rose
from 8 Defined Daily Doses (DDD) per 1000 subjects in
1975 to 95 DDD/1000 in 2005.
Aims: To examine the views of adult lcelanders on
antidepressant treatment and to identify the factors most
influential in shaping their views.
Methods: Cross-sectional national survey of views on
antidepressant treatment in a randomly drawn sample of
2000 lcelanders 18 to 80 years old.
Results: The response rate was 47.3%. Nine in ten
responders believed that regular exercise is an efficacious
treatment for depression (92.6%) but supportive interviews
came second (82.3%). Seven out of ten believed that
antidepressants are efficacious and the same proportion
was willing to use antidepressants as a treatment for
depression. The strongest predictor of being willing to
use antidepressants if depressed was previous use of
antidepressants (OR 6.9, 95%CI 3.4 to 13.8), followed
by knowing someone well who had been treated with
antidepressants (OR 2.3, 95%C11.6 to 3.3). Eight out of
every 100 responders were taking antidepressants and
further 8.3% had previously been on antidepressants for
at least 6 weeks. Among past users of antidepressants,
77% felt that the benefits of therapy had outweighed the
disadvantages. More knowledge on antidepressants was
associated (P=0.007) with willingness to use them.
Conclusion: The majority of adult lcelanders are willing to
use antidepressants for depression. The factors influencing
their views most strongly are subjects' own experience and
the experience of close friends or relatives as users.
Sigurdsson E, Olafsdottir Th, Gottfredsson M.
Public views on antidepressant treatment: lessons from a national survey. Icel Med J 2009; 95:837-41
Key words: antidepressants, depression, treatment, survey, population-based.
Correspondence: Engilbert Sigurðsson, engilbs@landspitali.is
Abridged version of the original article, with permission of the journal: Nord J Psychiatry 2008; 62:374-8.
Barst: 14. október 2009, - samþykkt til birtingar: 30. október 2009
LÆKNAblaðið 2009/95 841