Úr þjóðarbúskapnum - 01.06.1962, Side 32

Úr þjóðarbúskapnum - 01.06.1962, Side 32
ÚR ÞJÓÐARBÚSKAPNUM 10% hækkun matsins á þjóðartekjunum árin 1945—1956, sem tilfærð er á yfirlitstöflunni, er því að nokkru mælikvarði á óvissuna, þ. e. a. s. vanmat eða ofmat þjóðhagsreikninga- stærða í líkingunum að framan. Þar sem engin leið er til þess að meta sérstaklega óvissu „ráðstöfunaraðferðarinnar“ og þar sem vitað er að nettótekjur eru frekar vanframtaldar en of, þótti rétt að halda sér eingöngu við „ráð- stöfunaraðferðina“ hvað viðvíkur 1957—1960, en hækka tölur áranna 1945—1956 sem næst um þann mismun, er var að meðaltali milli niðurstaðna hinna tveggja aðferða á fjögurra ára tímabilinu 1957—1960. National product, expenditure and income of lceland, 1945-1960 Summary in English of article on pages 3 — 30 Introduction The Iceland Bank of Development has been charged with the duty of preparing national accounts estimates for Iceland, as from Dec- ember 1953. In carrying out this task the Bank has made use of material provided by the Statistical Office and by various other agencies. It was obvious from the outset that the available statistieal material was not yet ripe for a superstructure on the lines of national accounts. A gradual build-up of various econ- omic series had to take place, so designed as to permit of integration into a unified whole. For this reason little was done for the first years to present comprehensive national acc- ounts estimates. Such statements as have been published, have been more in the nature of provisional estimates. Nevertheless, yearly statements of gradually improved quality, showing the composition of national product and expenditure, have been submitted to international organizations. These submissions have formed the basis for publication of national accounts data for Ice- land in the United Nations „Yearbook of National Accounts Statistics" and in the „OEEC General Statistics Bulletin“, as well as in occasional publications of the OEEC. Up to the present time the figures for the aggregates, such as the gross national product, expenditure and income, have been arrived at from the income side. Various component items, such as public consumption, gross capital formation, imports and exports have on the other hand been estimated independently. Private consumption thus had to be arrived at as a residual. By estimating private consump- tion independently for the years 1957—1960 the Bank has reached the important milestone of being able to estimate the aggregates both from the income and the expenditure side for these years. It was concluded, on the other hand, that it would hardly be possible or wor- thwhile to attempt an independent estimate of private consumption for the years prior to 1957. 30


Úr þjóðarbúskapnum

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