
Jökull - 01.12.1955, Síða 4

Jökull - 01.12.1955, Síða 4
cussion of an approximate treatment o£ the general character of the flow of ice-sheets by the means of equations derived by the assumption of special boundary conditions at the bed. A short discussion of the stability and response of ice-sheets to climatic variations is included. The following terminology will be used. The height of an ice-sheet moving on a horizontal plane (x, y) will be clenoted by h, which is a function of the coordinates in the plane and of the time t. If the plane is not horizontal but characterizecl by the equation z = f (x, y) the actual thickness of the ice-sheet will be (h - f (x, y)). In accordance with actual conditions in nat- ure only thin ice-sheets will be treated, that is, ice-sheets where the thickness is very small com- pared to the other dimensions. The discussion is also restricted to almost level beds. This admits the following basic approxim- ations, (a) that the direction of flow within the ice can be assumed independent of z, which means that the direction of flow above each (x, y) is constant from z = 0 or z = f (x, y) to z = h, and (b) that the flow lines are parallel to the bed, and finally (c) because of the very slow movement of the quasi-viscous ice that a static distribution of pressure prevails, that is, the pressure at the point z is w (h — z), where w is the specific weight of the ice. The pressure on the bed is consequently w (h — f (x, y)), or wli in the case of the horizontal bed. CONDITIONS AT THE BED If the friction on the bed is an ordinary dry sliding friction the Coulomb friction law gives the shear stress on the bed s = cw (h — f), where c is the coefficient of friction which would main- ly depend on the character of the bed, but be approximately independent of the sliding ve- locity. It is, however, known that ice melts under pressure when the temperature is near to zero C° and the friction on the bed can therefore not be expected to behave according to the Cou- lomb law. It is rather to be expected that the coefficient of friction will also depend on the sliding velocity as in the case of viscous friction. Consequently we may expect that the friction on the bed can be approximated by s^ = kvw (h — f), where v is the sliding velocity, h the thickness and k a new factor, probably more or less con- stant. If v is independent of z the above rela- tion can be written s, = kwF = kG, 1) where F is the volume of flow per unit length and G tlie weight of flow per unit length. There are further reasons for assuming this relation. According to Glen (1952) the rheo- logical character of ice is expressed by a curve o£ the form A in Figure (1) showing the relation of shear stress to the rate of strain dy/dt. The curve B represents the Newtonian fluid with linear behaviour, and C is the plastic body. Fig.l. Stress-strain relation for fluids and plastic bodies. Glen (1952) gives for ice the relation: where the rate o£ strain is expressed in units per year and s and S0 in bar. For the temperature — 1.5 °C the constants are S0 = 1.62 and n = 4.1. According to this the behaviour of ice resembles that o£ plastic bodies, that is, when the shear stress is below a critical value, approximately So, then there is very little flow which, however, increases very much when the shear stress sur- passes this value. In flowing ice-sheets the greatest shear stress is at the bed and the rate of strain is, therefore, greatest there. The ground moraine which the ice-sheet transports along the bed consists of pieces of rock which penetrate into the ice just above the bed. This forms a shallow boundary layer where the ice is broken by the inclusion of rock fragments ancl its strength consequently reduced. The ice in the boundary layer will



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