
Jökull - 01.12.1955, Page 9

Jökull - 01.12.1955, Page 9
Tlie height of the top is h0 = 3H/2 and the total length: '■ ■ 'fí • <24) Fig. 3. Theoretical form of a thin one-dimens- ional ice-sheet, moving on a horizontal plane, according to equation (23). Comparing' this with equation (17) we see that the ratio of the length of the accumulation area to that of the ablation area is 1.73/1.27 = 1.36. As equation (23) represents the only stable form of the ice-sheet we can infer that pertur- bations of this form will lead to instability, either growth or decrease, depending on the character of the perturbation. If the three basic figures a, k and H are constants in space and time, then the removal of a small amount of material from the theoretical ice-sheet will bring it to a decrease or retreat ending in complete disappearance. On the other liand the adding of material will bring it to grow without limit. An increase of the height of the firn line will thus bring the ice-sheet to retreat, and a decrease of the height will bring it to grow. The fact of main importance is that cause and effect are out of proportions, that is, a small cause results in a very great effect, and a srnall variation in the clima can, therefore, result in great changes of glaciers. The amount of change depends in actual cases on the various stabilizing factors mentioned above and also on the mass of the ice-sheet which is a further stabilizing factor. Tlie numerical problem to be treated here is the initial growth, or decrease, of the ice-sheet in Figure (3) by a change in the height of the firn line, that is, we will ask for the pertur- bation u of the stable form hs in equation (23) trhen the height of the firn line changes from H to H + g(t), where g(t) is the time- dependent perturbation of the height of the firn line, which will be assumed small com- pared to H. Inserting (hs + u) for h, and (H + g(t)) for H in equation (16) we get: <L/AH Mjia!) = a/Hrg/rl-^-u) * £ , (25) dx\ k dx / but as hs is the stable form corresponding to H and u is to be small compared to h, we can in the first approximation write by a rearrange- ment: which is a linear partial differential equation for u. By the substitution: u = p/r/ , ^7) where q(x) is a function of x only, and p(t) a particular solution of (26), that is, solution of the equation: ap - ~- = ag/rj , (28) we get the general solution of (26): u * pM ■ (29) where the functions q (x) are the orthonormal i set of solutions of the Sturm-Liouville equation: £frSJ + 'a+ m>9 = 0 • (30) and by the boundary conditions: Pa — = 0, /or x = 0 and x = /. ,£,,, dx (31) The values of the constants mj are deter- mined by the eigenvalues of (30) and (31), and the constants C ; are determined by the initial condition of (26): u ” Zfi<//M * p/O), /or r =0, (32) where the values of u at t = 0 are to be inserted and the constants determined by the usual procedure in expanding given functions in a series of orthonormal functions. 7



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