
Jökull - 01.12.1955, Side 51

Jökull - 01.12.1955, Side 51
bour Bolungarvik was covered by brash. A fishing boat went through the ice off Straum- nes and got into open water at the fishing banks. 17/3 M/S Litlafell reports an ice belt extend- ing from 3.5 miles off Skálavík to 5 á 6 miles off Straumnes continuing N-wards as far as sighted. On March 19—20 some drift ice was sighted W of Grímsey and a belt of ice 30 á 35 miles off Melrakkaslétta. At this time the weather changed to NE-erly blizzard in northern Iceland and later clearing weather by E-erly winds. Wlien visibility improved the ice had disappeared and was not sighted after the 21st. Winter ice in fjords and harbours. 1 /3 The ice cover of the harbour of Akur- eyri was broken by strong W-erly winds and disappeared early in the morning. 6/3 A small airplain landed on the ice of Hvammsfjörður near Búðardalur. The thickness of ice 30—40 cm. 18/s The ice had broken and drifted frorn Hvammsfjörður, but on the 25th the entrance of the fjord is still closed by an ice-plug and no ship had reached Búðardalur since January. 25/3 Hrútafjörður has been covered for weeks out beyond Reykir. Now the ice is loosening. April 1955. The average distance of the ice edge from S t r a u m n e s 87 miles, the nearest approach 70 miles. 8/4 Ice edge 6830/1830 to 6630/3000. Con- centration J/10 brash, 6/io medium ancl 3/10 giant floe. Many icebergs from 150—300 feet ob- servecl at 6818/2600 ancl 6730/2900. 12/i Easterly winds have pushed the ice W- wards. The position is now 6700/1700 (6800?) to 6900/1600 to 6840/1530 to 7000/1300 to 7050/0920 to 7107/0940 to 7138/0800 to 7200/- 0500 (From Norsk Polarinstitutt, Oslo). 18/4 Ice boundary observed from 6500/3500, 6800/2400 to 7000/1800. Concentration a/10 brash, J4/í0 medium and 3/10 giant floe. 8 ice- bergs at 6600/3500 and 4 at 6800/3030. 2% Ice edge from 7300/0200, 7300/0600, 7242/0800, 7240/1020, 7200/1000, 7130/0730, 7056/1000 to 7000/1500 (Norsk Polarinstitutt, Oslo). 28/4 The ice bounclary observed froni a point 80 miles SE of K. Brewster to 6854/2148, 6742/2254, 6736/2636, 6712/2636, 6654/2824, 6624/2918, 6618/3054 to 6548/3142 thence to a point 75 miles E of K. Dan. Ice concentration in northern portion of the area to 2445 W consisted of 10 brash, 8/io small and i/io giant floe. In an area 60 miles long and 30 miles wide centered at 6748/2600 the ice consisted of 3/i0 brash and 2/i0 small floe. In a 15 miles wide area west of the remaining soutliern limits the ice consisted of 2/io small and 8/i0 giant floe. Small leads pol- ynyi, ridges and hummocks were observed throughout the entire area. Neither drift ice or winter ice occurred on or near the coasts of Iceland. MAY 1955. The average distance of ice from S tr aum - nes about 90 miles, the nearest approach 65 rniles. 3/s The ice boundary was extencling 40 mil- es out along the coast from 64—42 N to 67—12. Ice concentration from 64—42 N to K. Gustav Holm 10/10 giant floe including a few E-W cracks and containing winter Polar ice. From K. Gustav Holm to 67-12 N: Hio brash, ^/10 small floe and 8/i0 giant floe containing many cracks. In remaining area to northern limits: x/10 small and 9/10 giant floe with few cracks, leads and polynyi. 10/i Ice limit observecl from 7012/1530, 6930/1618, 6930/1754, 6848/2000, 6818/2042, 6724/2400, 6730/2912, thence to 6518/3430. The concentration N of 6800 consisted of 4/i0 brash and 1 /io small floe containing many polynyi. Inside Scoresbysund 4/10 small floe and ®/i0 giant floe containing many icebergs. In a 40 miles wide area along the coast from K. Dalton to Iv. Vedel the concentration was !/io small and 7/io giant floe with few polynyi, leads and cracks. South of Nansens Fjord (ab. 6810/2930) the concentration was i/io brash, 3/io small and 2/i0 giant floe with a few polynyi and leads. Many icebergs at 6912/2124 and inside Nansens Fjord. 20/5 S/T Juní reports scatterecl drift ice at Jónsmið (6430/3530) ancl 25/6 considerable drift ice at 6442/3500. -°/5 Ice boundary from 6800/2400 to 6930/- 2100 with concentration 3/io and °/io Iilock and small floe of broken and melting ice. 49



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