
Jökull - 01.12.1977, Page 4

Jökull - 01.12.1977, Page 4
Tephra Layers in a Drill Core from the Vatnajökull Ice Cap SIGURDUR STEINTHÓRSSON, SCIENCE INSTITUTE, UNIVERSITY OF ÍCELAND REYKJAVIK, ICELAND ABSTRACT In the summer of 1972 a 415 m long ice core was recovered from Bárdarbunga in AW Vatna- jökull, at the elevation of about 1800 m. The core contained 30 tephra layers, which have been used for dating it. The article describes the results of this tephrochronological effort. Volcanic history, microprobe analysis of the glasses, and grain size analysis, was used in the dating. A depth-age model is presented, accord- ing to which the core represents the years from 1972 to 1650. Twenty two of the tephras are attributed, with various degrees of certainty, to known eruptions in Grímsvötn (10), Kverkfjöll (2), other volcanoes beneath Vatnajökull (5), Katla (3), and Askja (3), leaving six layers com- pletely unaccounted for. From the profile it seems probable that the Mývatn Fires of 1724— 29 zuere preceded and accompanied by an erup- tive episode (a period of rifting) on the Dyngju- háls dike swarm. Finally, the dated profile is used to estimate the mean annual balance for the periods be- tween the tephra layers, which ranges between about 3 m/yr (recalculated into snow of density 0.4 g/cm3) for the period 1889—1892 and 7 m/yr for the period 1883—1889, the mean annual balance for the entire period since 1650 (4.95 m per year), and the thickness of the glacier, about 580 m. INTRODUCTION During the summer of 1972 members of the Science Institute of the University of Iceland, and the Icelandic Glaciological Society, drilled a 415 m hole into the ice cap of Bárdarbunga in north-western Vatnajökull, at 1800 m eleva- tion. The hole failed to reach the bottom of the glacier by an unknown distance. A special rotary drill was designed and built at the Science Institute for the task of drilling through a temperate glacier, yielding a core 9 cm in diameter. Core recovery was better than 99%. The drill, and the drilling operation, has been described hy Björnsson (1973) and Arnason et al. (1974). The purposes of the drilling were (1) to mea- sure the thickness of the glacier at this point — seismic measurements obtained by two French- Icelandic expeditions in 1951 and 1955 indicat- ed a thickness in the order of 500—600 m (Holtzscherer 1954, Thorarinsson 1955, Sigurðs- son 1970); (2) to obtain a deuterium profile through tlie Vatnajökull ice cap, considered essential for the interpretation of deuterium in geothermal waters in Iceland (Arnason 1976); (3) to look for climatic fluctuations in the deu- terium profile (Dansgaard 1961, Dansgaard et al. 1969, Árnason 1976); (4) to obtain a record of the tritium contents of precipitation in Ice- land during the last decades (Theodórsson 1977); (5) to study variations in global pollution of the atmosphere; (6) to yield material for purely glaciological studies — the structure and recrystallization of the ice, and (7) add to the knowledge of the volcanology of this region through the analysis of the teplira layers (vol- canic ash) in the core. To date the various levels in the core the time-honoured method of tephrochronology was intended, a metliod well developed in Iceland and much used for the dating of soils and arti- facts (Thorarinsson 1970). 30 layers of tephra were retrieved from the core, ranging in bulk frorn a few grains to 277 grams, and in thick- ness up to 9 cm. On the basis of the tephra layers a profile lias been constructed of age vs. depth (Fig. 3) in the glacier. The present article 2 JÖKULL 27. ÁR
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