
Jökull - 01.12.1977, Side 13

Jökull - 01.12.1977, Side 13
determined age, chemical characteristics, and grain size distribution. Grain size distribntion The volcanoes listed above fall into tliree broad groups according to composition of the products, and mechanism and environment of eruption (e.g. Walker 1973): (1) Öræfajökull and Hekla are Plinian in character, and give rise to silicic and intermediate tephras; (2) Katla, Grímsvötn and Kverkfjöll(?) are sub- glacial, and their tephras should be character- istic of aqueous cliilling — “Surtseyan” in the terminology of Walker and Croasdale (1972). The same may apply to some of the ntinor fissure eruptions north of Dyngjujökull, and to the NE end of the Lakagígar 1783 fissure which extended beneath the glacier; (3) The sub-aereal fountain eruptions outside the Vatnajökull ice cap, like the Askja 1961 eruption, form the third kind, Strombolian/Hawaiian (Walker 1973). mm , 1, 1 1 1 1 . 50 'I 1 GKv 'Áö 'k'k 1 I 25 o # Bórdarbunga _ ° °* * ? Kv1477 8 < . * H-3 10 - \ \*N ° O K-1360 \ "\s • other Kafla layers \ kK-1485 5 o N \ * I V \ _ o * * XX 2.5 %° * *. \ k l(N *\ t. k \ 1.0 _ t*k *#■- \ _ * * a, . “ \ .5 *N\ _ ▼ * * ^3 .25 - 0.1 1 ii II I 10 25 50 100 250 500 1000 km Fig. 5. Maximum diameter of grains (ordinate) vs. distance from the source (abscissa) plotted logarithmically: (1) Line having the slope — i/2, as predicted by the equation of Stokes for the fall of par- ticles in viscous medium. In spite of considerable work in recent years on the grain morphology and size distribution of various kinds of tephras in Iceland and else- where (Walker 1973, Walker & Croasdale 1972, Sheridan 1971, Persson 1966, Larsen 1975, Betijamínsson 1975, Egilson 1974) this kind of information has scarcely been secured yet for the eruptions pertinent to this study. However, in order to get a handle on the variation of some tephra characteristics with distance from the source, a compilation has been made of the diameter of the largest grain (mm) in a sample, vs. distance from the source, for a few tephras. Fig. 5 shows the result. In order to interpret these data, consider the factors governing the distance a grain of ash is carried: In the simplest model the grain reaches its maximum height in tlie volcanic cloud, whence it falls down again under the influence of gravity, and is carried at the same time along witli the wind. It can easily be shown that particles of tephra size reach terminal velocity (2) Line having the slope — 1, as predicted by Newton’s equation for the fall of particles in turbulent viscous medium. The line envelopes data points for the supposed Kverkfjöll 1477 tephra. (3) Line enveloping data points for H3 and K-1485. The letters at the top denote approximate distances from the drill site at Bárdarbunga to Grímsvötn (G), Kverkfjöll (Kv), Askja (A), Ör- æfajökull (Ö), Hekla (H), and Katla (Iv). The cogwheel-asterisks denote samples from the Bárd- arbunga core. Mynd 5. Stœrsta pvermál korna (y-ás) móti fjarlagð frá eldstöð (x-ás), dregin lógarithmískt fyrir nokkur þekkt öskulög. Stafirnir efst tákna fjarlagð eldstöðva frá Bárðarbunguholunni, G — Grimsvötn, Kv — Kverkfjöll, A — Askja, Ö — Örœfajökull, H — Hekla, K — Katla. Lína merlit 1 hefur hallann — l/2, skv. lögmáli Stokes; lina 2 hefur hallann — 1, skv. lögmáli Newtons um fall korna í seigu og iðandi (turbulent) efni. Linan snertir jafnframt gagnapunkta 1477-goss- ins (sem talið er vera) úr Kverkfjöllum. Lina 3 afmarkar gagnapunkta frá H-3 og K-1485 gjósli- unni. Tannhjólsmerkin eru gagnapunklar frá Bárðarbungukjarnanum. JÖKULL 27. ÁR 1 1
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