
Jökull - 01.12.1977, Page 20

Jökull - 01.12.1977, Page 20
DISCUSSION The time-depth proíile, and the tephras them- selves, are of considerable volcanological interest in that they add to our knowledge of volcanic activity in the regions surrounding Bárdar- bunga. In the following, some of the tephra layers will be described and discussed, and in- ferences drawn. A. Volcanic history Grímsvötn For clarity the designations of the Grímsvötn tephras (“G” in the diagram, Fig. 3) appear on the left of the curve. Of the 14 known or suspected eruptions in Grímsvötn since 1650 (Thorarinsson 1974), probably 11 appear in the core. Of these, nine are distinguished by the “right” chemical composition, and one (1706) has “wrong” chemical composition. Tephras of four eruptions are missing, one alleged Gríms- vötn eruption (1706) is deleted from the list on the basis of chemical composition, whereas one tephra layer, corresponding to 1854, may derive from an unknown eruption in Grímsvötn. The nine tephra layers which exhibit complete correspondence between volcanic history (Thor- arinsson 1974), position in the core, and chemi- cal composition, are G 1934, G 1922, G 1892, G 1883, G 1838, 1784, G 1774, G 1716, and G 1659. Of these, four in particular merit further discussion becouse of ambiguities re- garding their existence or origin. G 1892: A jökulhlaup in Skeidará took place in March 1892, whereas for the period from Nov- ember 1891 to January 1892 dispersed references can be found to an eruption in Vatnajökull (Thorarinsson 1974, pp. 97—105). The tephra layer, of correct chemical composition and rea- sonable grain size characteristics, confirms the suspicion that an eruption was associated with the jökulhlaup. G 1838: In 1838 earthquakes were felt in North Iceland (June 12), Skeidará flooded, and some ashfall was observed. Björn Gunnlaugsson the surveyor, standing atop a mountain, described smoke billowing up through Vatnajökull (Thor- arinsson 1974, pp. 70—71). The presence of a 1 8 JÖKULL 27. ÁR tephra layer in tíie core corresponds to this year, and its Grímsvötn chemical composition in- dicates that an eruption in Grímsvötn did, indeed, take place in 1838. G 1784: In 1784 Skeidará flooded, and a vol- canic cloud was observed over Vatnajökull. Thorarinsson (1974, p. 62) states: “It may be concluded tliat in the spring and summer of 1784 fires were abroad in Vatnajökull, but not in Grímsvötn; that a jökulhlaup took place in early April 1784, perhaps accompanied by an eruption in Grímsvötn. . . . According to Sveinn Pálsson, the Lakagígar Fires from 1783 burned into the winter of 1785.” This latter statement by Sveinn Pálsson is of considerable interest, for the Bárdarbunga sample attributed to 1784 contains Pelé’s hair, which is characteristic for powerful Hawaiian- type fountain eruptions. In fact, Pele’s hair has been found in tephra from Lakagígar (Jón Steingrímsson 1783, S. Thorarinsson, pers. comm.), but it must be considered highly un- likely in Grímsvötn tephra. However, according to the depth-time profile, the sample must be allotted to 1784 or 1785 (not 1783), and could therefore, in the light of Pálsson’s statement, be derived from a late phase of the Lakagígar eruption. G 1659: The written sources make only oblique references to an eruption in Grímsvötn in 1659 (Thorarinsson 1974, pp. 51—52). Allotting the Bb 524 tephra to G 1659 engenders an unknown eruption of unknown chemistry about 1661 (the sample Bb 522 was lost), wliich might conceivably be identified with the Katla eruption of 1660-61. The tephra in that eruption went mainly to the SE (G. Larsen, pers. comm.). The Gríms- vötn-like chemical composition (tholeiite) of Bl) 524 renders tliis reconstruction preferable to an- other possible one, in which the missing layer Bb 522 is allotted to G 1659, and the lower one to an unknown subglacial eruption of tholeiite composition not far from Bárdarbunga in 1657. Because of its distinctive chemistry, a Katla-type composition in Bb 522 would have completely “nailed down” the profile. A Grímsvötn eruption in 1854? The 1854-tephra, which has a Grímsvötn-like cliemical composi-
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