
Jökull - 01.12.1977, Page 26

Jökull - 01.12.1977, Page 26
place. Similarly, snow drifts (landscape) on the glacier surface at tlie time of the ash-fall miglit cause deviations in the X’s, as compared to the ideal model in whicli the glacier is perfectly flat. To estimate the magnitudes of these ex- traneous effects a simple calculation may be made: Let a data point in the rniddle of a ten year periocl be misplaced by one year. It would cause a pair of spikes, in opposite directions, ] .88 m/yr and 2.82 m/yr from the mean value 2.26 m/yr. In Fig. 8 the most conspicuous pair of spikes occurs for the periods I88S—87 (Xi = 4.85) and 1887-92 (\2 = 0.88). To “iron out” these spikes the 1887 layer must be brought to 1890 (\i = 2.77, Ao = 2.2), which still would yield the same relationship (positive — negative). Only by bringing the 1887 layer up to 1891 the relationship is reversed. Similarly for the early 1700’s. Recalculating the annual balance into snow gives 2 and 11 m/yr respectively, for the periods 1883—87 and 1887—92. Tliis seems totally un- reasonable. The winter balance of Vatnajökull was first measured in 1936—38, and lias been measured annually since 1953. In Grímsvötn the balance has ranged from 5 to 2 m/yr where- as the maximum balance measured on the eastern part of Vatnajökull in the thirties was about 7 m/yr (Thorarinsson 1978, pers. comm.). In fact, as discussed earlier, the exact year of the “1887” eruption may be held in some doubt, for there were references to “eruptions in Vatna- jökull” both in 1887 and 1889. Using the latter date, that of last mention of eruptive activity in Vatnajökull prior of the Grímsvötn erup- tion of 1892, gives Xi = 1.47 and X2 = 3.23 m/yr, or in terms of snow 3.3 m/yr for 1883—89, and 7.4 m/yr for 1889—92. For the entire period 1883—92 the mean annual balance is 2.64 m/yr ice (5.94 m/yr snow). In view of this it seems inevitable that the Bb 196 tephra was deposited not earlier than 1889. The largest snow drifts observed on Vatna- jökull may form of the order of half a meter’s relative relief (Thorarinsson 1978, pers. comm.). Reduced to ice this represents about 22 cm — an insignificant deviation compared to other variations. In conclusion, the X—t profile supports the age-depth model of the Bárdarbunga core pre- sented liere. The deviations in Xj from the 24 JÖKULL 27. ÁR mean seem in most cases to represent real varia- tion in mean annual balance, which may prove to be correlatable to climate (in preparation). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The work described here is a part of a large cooperative venture on retreaving and inter- preting the ice core from Bárdarbunga. The chief instigator of that enterprise was Prof. Bragi Arnason, whose idea it originally was to employ tephrochronology to date the core, and to involve the author in the project. In inter- preting the tephra layers the guidance of Prof. Sigurdur Thorarinsson has at all stages been invaluable; Gudrún Larsen took active part in the initial work, and did much of the descrip- tive work on the samples. The author is grateful to Helgi Björnsson for his interest in the project, and for many fruitful discussions on ice dynamics and glaciology, that aided the modelling of the profile. In particular, Helgi Björnsson drew my attention to eqn. (a), p. 21 in the text, and Sven Sigurdsson suggested the moclifications discussed in eqns. (b)—(e). Jakob Yngvason suggested the analysis in p. 11 of the maximum grain size distribution in terms of the laws of Stokes ancl Newton. Þorgeir Helgason did most of the microprobe analyses. REFERENCES Árnason, Bragi, 1976: Groundwater Systems in Iceland. Soc. Sci. Islandica XLII, Reykja- vík. 236 pp. Arnason, Bragi, H. Björnsson ir P. Theodórs- son, 1974: Mechanical drill for deep coring in temperate ice. J. Glaciol. 13: 133—139. Áskelsson, Jóhannes, 1936: On the last eruption in Vatnajökull. Soc. Sci. Islandica RIT 18. Barth, T. P. W., 1937: Volcanic ash from Vatna- jökull. Norsk Geol. Tidsskr. 17: 31-38. Benjamínsson, Jón, 1975: Oskulag „a“. [The tephra layer “a”]. Unpublished B.S. thesis, University of Iceland, 38 pp. (in Icelandic). Björnsson, Axel, K. Sœmundsson, P. Einarsson, E. Tryggvason ir K. Grönvold, 1977: Cur-
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