
Jökull - 01.12.1977, Page 32

Jökull - 01.12.1977, Page 32
Fig. 2. Isopach map of the tephra layer H3. (From Thorarinsson et al. 1960). Mynd. 2. Þykkt og útbreiðsla gjóskulagsins H3. ed by a postglacial layer, as only H3 has a greater volume. As seen from Fig. 3, H4 has two thickness axes, one running due N from Hekla to the Skagi peninsula in North Iceland, the other and main one running NNE to the Langanes peninsula. The thickness distribution of the light and dark parts of H4 are shown separately on Figs. 5 and 6. The volume is calctdated in Table I on p. 33. As seen from the isopacli maps four of tlie Hekla layers were spread mainly towards N antl NE. H4 covers approximately the same parts of Iceland as H3 and is in many places similar in thickness. In East Iceland and North Iceland east of Héradsvötn a conspicuous characteristic of H4, when compared with H3 in soil sections, 30 JÖKULL 27. ÁR is that its uppermost or upper part is greyish- brown to brownish-black in colour and this part of the layer increases in thickness in relation to the lower ancl light coloured part, towards E and SE, so that in the farthest southeast it is brownish to brownish-black almost all through. The shift in colour makes it easy to distinguish between H4 and H3. In North and East Iceland H3 is uniformly light-coloured. In the western part of North Iceland the colour of FI4 is unifonnly white, whereas the colour of H3 is light greyish-yellow. In North Iceland Hi is of similar colour as the light lower part of H4. H5 is of a light yellowish-grey colour. It is on the whole more fine-grained than the others and tlie upper and lower limits of the layer less distinct. In loessial soil it is more easily overlooked than the other three.
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