
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1977, Qupperneq 49

Jökull - 01.12.1977, Qupperneq 49
Changes in the Chemistry of Water and Steam Discharged from Wells in the Námafjall Geothermal Field, Iceland, During the Period 1970-76 STEFÁN ARNÓRSSON, NATIONAL ENERGY AUTHORITY, REYKJAVÍK, ICELAND abstract The chemical composition of borehole fluids in the Námafjall geothermal field, northern Ice- land, has changed significantly during the ex- ploitation period 1970—1976. Withdrawal of fhiid by discharging production wells has pro- duced a pressure drop in the reservoir and ex- tended the zone of flashing. The chemical changes have resulted from the increased flash- mg in the reseruoir. These changes include lowering of the concentrations of silica by as much as 40°/o, lowering of sodiwn and potassium by 0—30% and 5—50% respectiviely, and the lowering of total gas concenlrations by 0—45%. The lowering of the silica concentrations is considered to be due to the precipitation of quartz from the flashing water in the aquifers feeding the wells. The flashed water, which flows from the major upflow zone, tends to leach sodium from the rock. During the ex- ploitation period sodium concentralions have fallen in all but one luell. This is explained by progressively less effective leaching caused by accelerated replacement of the flashed water by unreacted water from below. The water tem- peratures derived from the NaKCa-geothermo- meter have clecreased lo about the same extent as the quartz equilibrium temperatures. This indicates that re-equilibration upon cooling be- tween the solution on one hand and quartz and the respective NaKCa-silicate on the other is about equally fast, at least for the temperatures and water compositions in question. The lower- lng of tlie gas content of some of the well dis- charges can be explained by increased loss of steam underground from the aquifers feeding the respective luell. From the observed variation ln the chemical composition of the well dis- charges, it is deduced that the main upfloxu zone is near well 7 or to the east of that well. Flashed water flows frotn ihe upfloiu zone in a westerly direction ancl the wells xuithdraw water and steam from this body of fluid. INTRODUCTION The Námafjall geothermal field is located in northern Iceland abont 5 km east of Lake Mý- vatn. Surface tliermal manifestations cover some 5 km2, being most intense on the low liyaloclas- tite ridge of Námafjall and just east of it. So far 10 wells have been drilled into the Námafjall geothermal reservoir. They are all located west of Námafjall and near the western margin of the field as deduced from surface thermal mani- festations (Fig. 1). Their depth varies from 340 to 1800 m. The present paper describes changes in the chemistry of water and steam discharged from 6 of the wells (nos. 4 to 9) that have been re- vealed by repeated sampling during the period 1970—1976. The otlier wells were not included in the study because they were not productive or had so low discharge rates that they were not exploitable. Tlie deepest well, no. 10, was drill- ed at the end of 1975, and is therefore not in- cluded in this study. The depth of the wells studied ranges from 637 to 1312 m. The highest downhole tempera- ture, 289° C, has been measured at 1100 m depth in well 7. Downhole temperatures and aquifer locations (recorded by loss of circula- tion fluid during the clrilling) for all tlie wells are presented in Fig. 2. Only basaltic rocks are exposed in the im- mediate vicinity of the geothermal area. They include basalt lava flows, pillow lavas, and JÖKULL27. ÁR 47
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