
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1977, Qupperneq 57

Jökull - 01.12.1977, Qupperneq 57
m moles Fig. 4. Changes in the hydrogen content of the discharges of wells 4 to 8 during the period 1970—1976. The hydrogen concentrations have been calculated from the reported enthalpy of the well discharges, which corresponds to the quartz equilibrium temperature at the initiation of the discharge period. Mynd 4. Breytingar cí vetnisinnihaldi í borholum 4 til 8 á timabilinu 1970—1976. Styrkur vetnis hefur veriö reiknaður út frá ofanskráðu entalpiugildi. Svarar þetta gildi til kisilhitans við upphaf nýtingartímans. sulphide, and carbon dioxide, the remainder being mostly nitrogen and methane (Table 2). The analytical results for the major gas con- stituents are rather erratic, which makes it diffi- cult to observe any trends in the gas content of individual well discharges with time. Yet it is certain that the gas content of the total dis- charge of wells 6, 7, and 8 has declined with time during the period 1970—1976. For well 7 this decline is estimated to be 10%, but 45% for wells 6 and 8. During the same period no changes could be observed for wells 4 and 5. Well 9 is not included here. Insufficient data are available from this well in this respect. As the gas content of wells 6, 7, and 8 has declined, an apparent lowering of the CO2/H2S and H2/H2S ratios has occurred, but changes in the same ratios cannot be detected for wells 4 and 5- The erratic results for carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide make this statement some- what uncertain. The analytical results for liydro- gen are presented in Fig. 4. They give an im- pression of the erratic nature of the data. The results for hydrogen sulphide and carbon di- oxide are more erratic. The gas content of individual well discharges varies much more than the observed time varia- tions just discussed (Fig 5A). The liottest aqui- fer, which feeds well 7, contains the highest gas concentrations, whereas the coldest aquifer, which feeds well 5, is lowest in gas. Degassing by flashing of the reservoir water does not ex- plain the relation of the ratios of CO2/H2S and H0/H2S to the total gas content. There is no relationship between the total gas content and the CO2/H2S ratio although progressive de- crease with falling temperature is observed for the H2/H2S ratio (Fig. 5B). Flashing, which leads to increased pH of the water causes precipitation of calcite (Arnórsson, JÖKULL 27. ÁR 55
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