
Jökull - 01.12.1977, Page 71

Jökull - 01.12.1977, Page 71
recent volcanism at Leirhnjúkur antl following earthquake activity are of local character. Gravi- ty changes generally reach the order of 0.1 mgai, only near Krafla changes of a few tenths of mgal have been found. Tlie gravity increase at Námaskard shows a significant correlation with lreight decrease. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The anthors thank the National Research Council of Iceland for the permission to carry out the gravity sarvey in Iceland. For valuable assistance and fruitful discussions they are grate- ful to Dr. Gudmundur Pálmason, Reykjavik. Sincere thanks are due to the Geodetic Insti- tute, Technical University Berlin (Profs. Dr.- Ing. S. Heitz, Dr.-Ing. K. Marzahn) for lending the LCR-gravity meter no. 85. Calculations have been carried out with the CDC 73/76 of the Regional Computing Centre of Lower Saxony. The authors are very grateful to the German Research Society (Deutsche Forschungsgemein- schaft), which generously sponsored the invest- igations. REFERENCES Barnes, D. F. 1966: Gravity changes during the Alaska earthquake. T. Geophys. Res. 71, 451-456. Fujita, N., Y. Fujii. 1973: Gravity change in Japan. In: R. S. Mather, P. V. Angus-Lep- pan (eds.), Proc. of Symp. on Earth’s Gravi- tational Field and Secular Variations in Position, Sydney, Australia, 218—221. Gerke, K. 1974: Crustal movements in the Mý- vatn- and in the Thingvallavatn-area, both horizontal and vertical. In: L. Kristjánsson (ed.), Geodynamics of Iceland and the North Atlantic Area. D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dord- recht, 263-275. Morelli, C., C. Gantar, T. Honkasalo, R. K. McConnel, B. Szabo, J. Y. Tanner, U. Uo- tila, C. T. Whalen. 1974: The International Gravity Standardization Net 1971 (IGSN 71). Assoc. Intern. de Géodésie, Publ. Spec. No. 4, Paris. Niemczyk, O., E. Emschermann. 1943: Sonder- dreiecksmessung auf Island zur Feststellung feinster Erdkrustenbewegungen. In: In: O. Niemczyk (ed.), Spalten auf Island, K. Wittwer, Stuttgart, 80—113. Pálmason, G. 1971: Crustal structure of Ice- land from explosion seismology. Vísindafé- lag íslendinga (Soc. Scient. Islandica) XL, Leiftur, Reykjavík. Schleusener, A. 1943: Die Gravimetermessung- en. In: O. Niemczyk (ed.), Spalten auf Is- land, K. Wittwer, Stuttgart, 124—175. Schleusener, A., W. Torge. 1971: Investigations of secular gravity variations in Iceland. Z. f. Geophysik 37, 679-701. Schleusener, A., W. Torge, H. Drewes. 1974: Prázisionsschweremessungen in Nordostis- land 1970/71. Deutsche Geod. Komm., B 206, Múnchen. Schleusener, A., W. Torge, H. Drewes. 1976: The gravity field of northeastern Iceland. J. of Geophysics 42, 27—45. Spickernagel, H. 1966: Höhenmessungen in Nord-Island. Mitt. aus dem Markscheide- wesen 73, 139—152. Spickernagel, H. 1968: Erdkrustenbewegungen in Island. Umschau 68, 379. Strange, W. D. G. Carroll. 1976: Repeated gravity measurements prior to the San Fern- ando earthquake (abstract). EOS, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 57, 288. Torge, W., H. Drewes. 1977: Gravity variations with time in northern Iceland 1965—1975. J. of Geophysics 43, 771—790. Torge, W., H.-G. Wenzel. 1976: Gravimetric earth tide observations in Iceland. Bull. d’Inform. Marées Terrestres, Bruxelles, 74, 4312-4318. Tryggvason, E. 1974: Vertical crustal movement in Iceland. In: L. Kristjánsson (ecl.), Geo- dynamics of Icelaml and the North At- lantic Area, D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht, 241-262. JÖKULL 27. ÁR 69
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