
Jökull - 01.12.1977, Síða 75

Jökull - 01.12.1977, Síða 75
Fig. 2. Tlie eastern ice caul- hron after the jökulhlaup in February 1977. Scale: about 3 km across the cauldron between the outermost crevasses. Mynd 2. Eystri sigketillinn eft- ir hlaup í febrúar 1977. Um 3 km eru þvert yfir ketilinn milli ystu sprungna. Photo Oddur Sigurdsson, February 14, 1977. activity. Björnsson (1975) advanced the explana- tion tliat the jökulhlaups in Skaftá were re- leased from a water cupola which is formed at a geothermal area as meltwater is trapped be- neath a depression in the glacier surface. The evidence in favour of this explanation is publish- ed in the present paper. According to Gísli Sigurdsson (pers. comm.), the farmer at Búland in Skaftártunga, jökul- hlaups have occurred in Skaftá almost every year as far back as he remembers, say to about 1910. Most of the jökulhlaups before 1955 were small in volume and the river could be crossed by horses within one day from the start of the jökulhlaups. A sulphurous smell was felt from the water. According to Sigurjón Pálsson (1968 and pers. comm.), who was a farmer at Sandar in Medalland from 1919 to 1947, jökulhlaups were frequently observed during the first half of the present century in thc river Kúdafljót, which is fed by Skaftá. (The farm Sandar was situated on an island in Kúdafljót). The inter- vals between the jökulhlaups wliich could be observed in Kúdafljót were variable, but never ntore tlian 3 to 4 years. A faint sulphurous smell was felt from the water. Drinking water was never collected from the river cluring the jökulhlaups. The largest jökulhlaup before 1955 was observed in early September 1938. ín 1783 several jökulhlaups occurred in Skaftá. Thorarinsson (1974) considered likely that these jökulhlaups were causecl by volcanic activity at the site fronr which the recent jiikul- hlaups originate. HYDROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS Sigurjón Rist has estimated the discharge of all jökulhlaups in Skaftá since 1955. His limni- graph is placed at Skaftárdalur (Fig. 1). The liydrographs for the first ten jökulhlaups are sliown in Fig. 3, together witli the flow summa- tion curves. The hydrographs for the jökul- lilaups in December 1974 and February 1977 were published in Jökull by Rist (1976). The time interval between jökulhlaups has varied from 1 to 3(0 year. The duration of each jökulhlaup has been from one to two weeks. The volume of the jökulhlaups has varied fronr 50 • 10° m3 to 250 • 10® m3. The total volume of water whicli drainecl in the jökulhlaups during tlie last 22 years (1955— 1977) was 2.2 km3. The flow summation curve in Fig. 4 shows that the runoff rate from the cauldrons lias increased continuously since the jökulhlaups started in 1955. THE SUBGLACIAL HEAT SOURCE Analysis of hydrological data makes possible an estimate of the strength of the subglacial lieat source. JÖKULL27. ÁR 73
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