
Jökull - 01.12.1977, Side 87

Jökull - 01.12.1977, Side 87
which is positive up and small compared with the horizontal scale of undulation of ft. Using 2 as our reference surface, we approximate the flow pressure on 2 by p = pgh. z = 0. (4) Moreover, we approximate the kinematic condi- tion there by p(þdt h = — w, z = 0 (5) and since the third component of (1) implies that w = -Cðzp, (6) we can combine (5) and (6) in atP - aSzP = °> z = °- (7) where a = Cg/<f> is a characteristic fluid velocity for the porous solid. Condition (7) coupled with (4) represents a linearization of the free-surface condition. Ob- viously, because of (4) this procedure implies negative fluid pressures on 2 f°r negative values of h. There is, however, no objection to this consequence. In the case of the quasi-horizontal fluid sur- face, the basic mathematical problem thus con- sists in solving equation (3) with the conditions (4) and (7) on the surface 2 at z = 0 an(f with a given initial condition at t = 0. THE SOURCE-FREE CASE In a source-free case where f = 0, the homo- geneous equation (3) —V2p = 0, z^O (8) has to be solved with the boundary condition (7) combined with a given initial condition which because of (4) takes the form P = pgh0, t = 0, z = 0 (9) where h0 (S) is a given initial free-surface ampli- tude. The solution is obtained immediately by ob- serving that a pressure function of the form (10) satisfied the boundary condition (7) at all times. Consequently, by introducing the Dirichlet type Green’s function for the half-space z ^ 0 (Duff and Naylor, 1966, page 276) which gives the pressure p (P) in z > 0 for a pressure p0 (S) on 2, p (P) = (z/2tt) f (l/r3PU) p0 (U)dau, zSO(ll) where U = (x', y'), da^ = dx'dy' and rpu = t(x-x')2 + (y-y')2 + z2]%’ (12) and hence the solution to the present pro- blem is P (P.t) = [pg (z + at)/2ír] J(l/r3PUt) h0 (U) dan, 2 (13) where t ií 0, z ^ 0, and rput = f(x-x')2 + (y-y')2 + (z + at)2]1/2- (i4) The motion of the fluid surface is obtained by letting z = 0 in (13) and lience, h (S,t) = (at/2n) f (l/r3sut) h0 (U) da^, s (15) where t > 0 and rsut = Kx-x')2 + (y-y')2 + (at)2]1/2- (i6) FLOW FIELDS WITH SOURCES To select a relevant and important case of flow fields with sources, we will consider the following situation. Let the fluid at t = 0 be in static equilibrium and the fluid surface at t = 0 therefore coincide with 2- Consider a con- centrated sink of strength f0 at the point Q = (0,0,d) wliich at t = 0+ starts withdrawing fluid mass at a constant rate f0. In this case we have to solve —V2P = (—f0/C) 8 (P—Q) I (l) (17) where I (t) is the causal unit step function for which I (0) = 0. The boundary condition on 2 is again given by (7) and the initial condition is p = 0 at t = 0. To solve this problem we apply the method JÖKULL 27. ÁR 85 P = P (x+-z + at)
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