
Jökull - 01.12.1977, Síða 89

Jökull - 01.12.1977, Síða 89
fluid surface allowed to recover to the equi- librium position. Using equations (28) and (15), we find on the basis of (23) that the position of the fluid surface duing the recovery period is given by h (S,t) = -(v„/27rgC) [(l/rSQ. (wto)) - (l/rgQ,t)], (36) where t > t0 and rSQ’ (t-t0) = [(x-x')2 + (y-y')2 + (a(t—t0)+d)2]V4. The initial rate of recovery at S0 vertically above the sink is r (So>lo+) = d*1 (S0>to+)/^t = (v0/27Tg(/)d2) [1—d2/(at0-f d)2]. (38) As indicated in the introduction, the above results have been obtained on the assumption of an incompressible aquifer. In other words, the elastic capacitivity or storage capacity of the fluid-rock system has been neglected (see for example De Wiest, 1965). The rationale for this assumption is that in most practical cases the time scale of the elastic effects is much shorter than that of the free surface effect. The elastic response of the aquifer to an impressed loading will be mostly completed before a noticeable free surface effects appears. Moreover, the in- clusion of the elastic effects in the theory leads to a considerably more complex mathematical analysis. An elementary investigation which will not be discussed here indicates that the results developed above will be essentially valid for sinks and/or sources at depths up to a few kilometers. The interaction of the elastic and free surface effects will become important when the sources or sinks are located at greater depths. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This research was supported by the U. S. Geo- logical Survey Extramural Geothermal Research Program under Grant No. 14—08—0001—G—398. REFERENCES De Wiest, R. J. M. 1965. Geohydrology. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 366 pp. Duff, G. F. D. and D. Naylor. 1966. Differential Equations of Applied Mathematics. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 423 pp. ÁGRIP Reikningslegar athuganir á grunnvatnsstreymi með óbundnu yfirborði eru yfirleitt erfiðar. Grundvallarjöfnur slíkra líkana eru jafnan ólínulegar. Við athuganir hagnýts eðlis, einkum á jarðhitasvæðum, má þó oft gera ráð fyrir til- tölulega litlum hreyfingum vatnsyfirborðsins. Þá má beita línulegum nálgunaraðferðum, en þær eru alkunnar í eðlisfræði. Sýnt er fram á hvernig nota megi slíkar aðferðir við grunn- vatnsrannsóknir. Niðurstöður þær, sem lagðar eru fram, má einkum nota á jarðhitasvæðum, en þar eru borholur yfirleitt svo djúpar, að um- rædd nálgun nær ágætum árangri. JÖKULL 27. ÁR 87
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