Jökull - 01.12.1988, Blaðsíða 96
inn, virðist alltaf vera að síga niður í dæld eða hvilft
milli Jökulsárlóns og Stemmulóns dálítinn spöl frá
jökuljaðri og sennilega er þetta framskrið af því
hann sígur þama niður. Mælingin við Fellsfjall ekki
nákvæm vegna vatnagangs meðfram jöklinum.
Jökuljaðar mjög brattur á mælingastað."
1930-1960, 1960-1980,
1980-1986 and 1986-1987
Glacier variations were recorded at 35 locations,
13 tongues showed advance, 3 were stationary and
17 retreated. One station was unaccessible because
of snow and a lagoon prevented measurement at
Hymingsjökull has advanced almost continuously
since 1972 while all outlets of Drangajökull have
retreated or been stationary more than a decade.
Múlajökull came to a halt during the winter after
a 350 m surge.
Sólheimajökull has gained more than 400 m of
ground in 18 years and is still advancing.
All of Vatnajökuls outlet glaciers west of
Öræfajökull have been retreating except the very
steep Skaftafellsjökull. The west part of
Skeiðarárjökull advanced some 400 m in two years
(1984-1986) which is the greatest advance since the
first decades of the century. This may be considered
a surge.
Most of the steep outlet glaciers running out from
Öræfajökull have transgressed as they have more or
less been doing this decade.
The various parts of Breiðamerkurjökull behave
independently either retreating or advancing.
Sólberg Jónsson við merki Þorvalds Thoroddsen í Leirufirði frá 1887, en þar var jökulsporðurinn þá.
Nú hefur jökullinn hopað 2314 m úr dalnum og sést ekki lengur frá merkinu.
Steinn Emilsson hefur einnig sett merki sitt á steininn 1929. Ljósmynd Sölvi Sólbergsson, 26.09.1987
By Leirufjarðarjökull. Photo Sölvi Sólbergsson, 26.09.1987
94 JÖKULL, No. 38, 1988