
Jökull - 01.12.1999, Síða 7

Jökull - 01.12.1999, Síða 7
(Bl) was taken at 5.1 m water depth from the centre of the lake. Lake Hraunsvatn (42 m a.s.l., 0.48 km2, 66°05’N, 20°10’W) The lake occupies an elongated depression in a rocky plateau landscape. The western slope is very steep, and the lake has three small inflows. The largest one (c. 0.5 m wide) enters at the southem end and part- ly drains two smaller lakes on the plateau to the south- west. The outflow over a till threshold is about 2 m wide and situated at the northern end of the lake. A beach ridge has been built up to a level of c. 45 m a.s.l close to the eastem lake shore. The shores are mostly steep with boulders, and the surroundings are domi- nated by dwarf-shrub vegetation. The lake has two small islands in its centre, and the core was retrieved from the southem basin at 0.9 m water depth. Lake Geitakarlsvötn (26 m a.s.l., 0.24 km2, 66°05’N, 20°16’W) The lake basin is bordered by relatively steep slopes to the west and south, and to the west there is a rocky plateau, reaching 100 m a.s.l. The lake has two inflows, the larger of which is about 6 m wide and drains a relatively large system of lakes to the south. The lake is separated from a much smaller adjacent lake by a raised beach ridge, and the outflow over the gravelly threshold is c. 3 m wide. Lake shores are mostly steep with cobbles. Plant cover is less continu- ous in this coastal area, and dwarf shrubs are less dominant compared to the sites described previously. The core was taken in the northem part of the lake at 1.5 m water depth. Lake Kollusátursvatn (22 m a.s.l., 0.51 km2, 66°05’N, 20°08’W; Fig. 3) The lake is located in a relatively flat coastal area. Fig. 3. View of the coastal lowland on northemmost Skagi, with the southem end of Lake Kollusátursvatn seen from the west. Mynd af undirlendinu nyrst á Skaga. Horft er yfir nyrsta hluta Kollusátursvatns úr vestri. JÖKULL, No. 47, 1999 5
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