
Jökull - 01.12.1999, Side 9

Jökull - 01.12.1999, Side 9
were described immediately after retrieval before the sediments were wrapped in plastic film, put in plastic tubes and transported to the laboratory in Lund. Levelling of lake thresholds and beach ridges was carried out using an instrumental level. The precision in these measurements is estimated to ±0.2 m. Laboratory methods The collected sediment sequences were described once again in the laboratory and then subsampled to provide material for a range of analytical methods. Mineral magnetic analysis Saturation isothermal remanent magnetism (SIRM) was measured on all sediment sequences in order to produce continuous records that could sup- port the grain-size determinations made by visual in- spection of the cores. SIRM was also used to locate minor tephra horizons. The measurements were per- formed using a "Minispin" magnetometer on subsam- ples previously magnetized in a field of 1 T. Elemental carbon analysis All five sequences were subjected to elemental carbon analysis. Visible tephras were avoided during subsampling in order to obtain representative records of lake productivity. Combustion was effected in a Leco RC-412 Multiphase Carbon Determinator from 100° to 950°C with a ramp rate of 50°Cmin ‘, en- abling separation of carbonate from organic carbon. Pollen analysis All sequences were analysed for pollen, spores and coenobia of the green algal genus Pediastrum. Pollen analysis was the main method for reconstruction of terrestrial and limnic vegetation, and it was also used for correlation between sequences. The concentration of Pediastrum coenobia was used as a measure of lake productivity, independent of organic carbon content. Preparations followed standard methods (Berglund and Ralska-Jasiewiczowa, 1986), and Lycopodium- tablets were added in order to estimate pollen concen- tration and influx values (Stockmarr, 1971). Pollen nomenclature follows Moore et al. (1991), with a few exceptions (see Rundgren, 1998). Plant macrofossil analysis The sediment sequences from Lake Torfadalsvatn and Lake Geitakarlsvötn were subjected to qualitative plant macrofossil analysis. This method was used to supplement pollen analysis in the reconstruction of terrestrial vegetation. Samples were washed through 1.0 and 0.2 mm sieves, and all vascular plant remains were picked out for identification. Diatom analysis All lake sequences were analysed for diatoms. This was the main method used to reconstruct trans- gressions and regressions of lake thresholds. Subsam- ples were treated with 10% HCl, washed with distilled water, and treated with 30% H202 (1-2 hours in a water bath at 60°C). Taxonomy and ecological information followed Hendey (1964), Hustedt (1930-1959), Kiam- mer and Lange-Bertalot (1986-1991) and Patrick and Reimer (1966-1975), and species were grouped with regard to their salinity preferences according to the halobian system of Hustedt (1957), originally pro- posed by Kolbe (1927): Marine species = poly- halobous (>30%o), brackish species = mesohalobous (30-0.2%c), fresh-water species = oligohalobous (halophile, indifferent) and halophobous (<0.2%o). Radiocarbon dating 14C dating was the main method used to obtain ab- solute chronologies for the sampled sequences. Björck et al. (1992) published four radiocarbon dates from another Lake Torfadalsvatn core (Al), and these were lithostratigraphically correlated to the core (Bl) used in this study. The dates of Björck etal. (1992) were ail accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) measurements, three on bulk sediment samples and one on a moss sample. In addition to these dates, one new bulk sedi- ment sample was dated by the conventional method in Lake Torfadalsvatn (core Bl). Three bulk sediment samples were dated in the Lake Geitakarlsvötn se- quence, two by the conventional method and one by AMS. A moss sample from the same lake was also dated by AMS. Plant macrofossils of definite terrestri- al origin were too few at the sampled levels to allow for AMS dating. JÖKULL, No. 47, 1999 7
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