Jökull - 01.12.1999, Side 15
dominant species. Also Empetrum nigrum was wide-
spread in the period 9600-8800 BP, while Betula nana
seems to have been a minor component in the dwarf-
shrub tundra. Grasses were relatively abundant, and
Apiaceae, Rosaceae undiff., Sedum type, Caryophyl-
laceae and Oxyria + Rumex are the dominant herb-
pollen taxa recorded for this period. Plant cover was
probably continuous on northemmost Skagi after 9600
BP (Rundgren, 1995; Rundgren, 1998).
The Pediastrum concentration values and the or-
ganic carbon content recorded for the period after
9600 BP suggest a higher lake productivity on north-
ernmost Skagi than during any of the preceding
episodes. This indicates a milder climate, which may
reflect that there was no annual sea ice at the coasts
of northernmost Skagi after 9600 BP (Rundgren,
1995). The sea-level reconstruction presented by
Rundgren et al. (1997) shows an overall regression
after 9600 BP, and relative sea level fell below pre-
sent sea level at 9000 BP (Fig. 6). A palaeogeograph-
ical reconstruction of the situation at 9000 BP is pre-
sented in Fig. 10.
8800-8000 BP
This episode is represented by the Lake Torfa-
dalsvatn sequence only, where it is defined as LPAZ
T-8 (Rundgren, 1998). Consequently, no RPAZs can
be defined for the period after 8800 BP (Fig. 5).
Cg. 9. Palaeogeographical map of northemmost Skagi at 9800-9700 BP with inferred terrestrial vegetation and sea-ice condi-
tions. T=Torfadalsvatn; H=Hraunsvatn; G=Geitakarlsvötn; K=Kollusátursvatn; N=Neðstavatn; 0=Open section; A and
B=raised beach ridges at 65 and 43-50 m a.s.l. - Kort af nyrsta hluta Skaga eins og hann hefur litið út fyrir 9800-9700 BP.
Gróðurfar og hafísástand er einnig sýnt. T=Torfadalsvatn; H=Hraunsvatn; G=Geitakarlsvötn; K=Kollusátursvatn; N=Neðsta-
vatn; 0=Opnur; A= Fornar strandlínur við 65 og 43-50 m y.s.
JÖKULL, No. 47, 1999