
Jökull - 01.12.1999, Side 48

Jökull - 01.12.1999, Side 48
Figure 1. Location of the field area within Iceland (inset) and the Gígjukvísl in relation to the margin of Skeið- arárjökull. See box for area enlarged in Figure 2. — Staðsetning rannsóknarsvœðisins á Islandi (innsett), Gígjukvísl og afstaða hennar tiljaðars Skeiðarárjökuls. Rammi sýnir stœkkað svœði á 2. mynd. 1997). Flows began in Gígjukvísl at around 1015h on November 5th and are reported to have reached a maximum discharge of c. 34,000 m3s-1 by c. 0300h on November 6th (Snorrason etal., 1997). Thejökul- hlaup had its longest duration in Gígjukvísl with flows persisting well into November lth (Snorrason et al., 1997). Waning stage flow concentrated on the Gígju- kvísl outlet as Skeiðará and Súla outlets dried up. Vast numbers of ice blocks, many over 10 m in diame- ter, were transported by floating, rolling, and sliding through the Gígjukvísl channel (Figure 1). Jökulhlaups have been reported draining across the Skeiðarársandur outwash plain since the 12</' cen- tury (Thorarinsson, 1939; 1974; Björnsson, 1988; 1992) making the Skeiðarársandur outwash plain a jökulhlaup “type-site” (Thorarinsson, 1974; Maizels, 1991; 1993a,b; 1995; Maizels and Russell, 1992). However few studies have detailed the impact of a high magnitude jökulhlaup on the geomorphology of a single jökulhlaup channel (Kaldal, 1997). The present Gígjukvísl channel has progressively incised its course since its formation in the 1940's (Kaldal, 1997). METHODS The pre-jökulhlaup survey of 53 points was completed between October 14//l and 23rt/ for the 2 km dis- tance between the moraine and road, 1996 using an electronic distance measurer accurate to ±5cm. Post- jökulhlaup surveys of the Gígjukvísl river channel in November and May 1997 added a further 100 points. Maximum flood stage was easily measured by survey- ing well-defined wash-limits on snow pack. Maxi- mum water surfaces were identified along the west- ern bank of the Gígjukvísl river upstream from the road to the backwater lake level on the northern flank of the moraine ridges. Within-channel sedimentary 46 JÖKULL, No. 47
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