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Jökull - 01.12.1999, Qupperneq 71

Jökull - 01.12.1999, Qupperneq 71
formation of their relief and the waterflow, we were able to extend Maizel’s classification (1992) of sand- ar on the Höfðabrekkujökull forefield. We divided the third type of sandur as distinguished by Maizel’s (1992), i.e. outwash plains formed by the normal ac- tivity of meltwaters, into five subtypes. Apart from end moraines and sandar, a range of other forms occur on the Höfðabrekkujökull forefield, generated by ac- cumulative and transformational activity of the glacier (ground moraine, drumlinized ground moraine, drum- lins), and the accumulative and erosional activity of meltwaters (e.g. kame terraces, erosional meltwater plains). We also identified kettles, nival forms and denudational forms. Moreover, geomorphological mapping allowed three distinct geomorphological landscapes to be dis- tinguished on the Höfðabrekkujökull forefield. In the northern part of the area, at the point of con- tact between Höfðabrekkujökull and the neighbouring glacier to the north, a highly varied structural-glacial landscape is predominant. To the south of it, glacial and fluvioglacial forms of different heights are pre- dominant in the landscape of the forefield. The re- maining part of the forefield of the analysed glacier is covered by a relatively flat fluvioglacial landscape with remains of end moraines and sheets of ground moraine. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank the former director of Landmælingar íslands, Mr. Ágúst Guðmundsson, joint co-ordinator of the ESA-Project, for his whole- hearted help during our scientific stays in Iceland dur- ing 1995-1997. We would also particularly like to thank Professors Helgi Björnsson and Páll Einarsson from the Science Institute of the University of Iceland for scientific discussions, making literature available to us and providing organizational help. We are also grateful to Mr. Reynir Ragnarsson, a policeman and pilot from Vík í Mýrdal, for his permission to use the refuge near Hafursey as our base during the three field seasons. Our participation in the international ESA- Project: ERS AO. 2D116 Monitoring of Natural Land Surface Changes in Iceland Using ERS-l/ERS-2 and Other Remote Sensing Systems, was initiated by Dr. Ulrich Miinzer from the University of Munich, the main co-ordinator of this programme. We now have the opportunity to thank him sincerely for that invi- tation. Thank you very much Bryndís Brandsdóttir for all initiatives and helpfulness during preparation of this paper to print. ÁGRIP Gert hefur verið landmótunarkort af Mýrdalssandi við jaðar Höfðabrekkujökuls. Kortið er byggt á feltvinnu höfunda sumrin 1995, 1996 og 1997. Margvísleg- ar jöklasets- og ársetsmyndanir einkenna ofanverðan Mýrdalssand. Á sandinum má sjá nokkrar kynslóðir jökulgarða, sem marka framrás jökulsins frá lokum síðustu ísaldar. Leifar elstu jökulgarðanna, sem taldir eru vera frá kuldaskeiði í lok síðustu ísaldar eða snemma á nútíma, má sjá við Selfjall og Rjúpnafell. Yngri garðarnir eru frá því um síðustu aldamót, frá miðri þessarri öld, en þeir yngstu og minnstu mynd- uðust árið 1992. REFERENCES Bjömsson, H. 1979. Glaciers in Iceland, Jökull, 29, 74-80. Geirsdóttir, Á., J. Harðardóttir and J. Eiríksson 1997. The depositional history of the Younger Dryas-Preboreal Búði moraines in South-Central Iceland. Arctic and Alpine Research, 29, 13-23. Grove, J. M. 1988. The Little Ice Age. Methuen, London, 1-63. Heim, D. 1983. Glaziare Entwasserung und Sanderbildung am Kötlujökull, Síidisland. Polarforschung, 53, 17-29. Hjartarson, Á. 1991. A revised model of Weichselian degla- ciation in south and southwest Iceland. Environmental Change in Iceland: Past and Present, eds. J. Maizels and C. Caseldine, Glaciology and Quaternary Geology, 7, 67-77. Hjartarson, Á. and Ó. Ingólfsson 1988. Preboreal glaciation of Southern Iceland. Jökull, 38, 1-16. Ingólfsson, Ó. 1991. A review of the Late Weichselian and early Holocene glacial and environmental history of Iceland. Environmental Change in Iceland: Past and Present, eds. J. Maizels and C. Caseldine, Glaciology and Quaternary Geology, 7, 13-29. Jóhannesson, H. 1985. Um endasleppu hraunin undir Eyja- fjöllum og jökla síðasta jökulskeiðs, Jökull, 35, 83-95. Kaldal, I. and S. Víkingsson 1990. Early Holocene degla- ciation in Central Iceland, Jökull, 40, 51-66. JÖKULL, No. 47 69
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