Jökull - 01.12.1999, Side 86
Figure 11. A: Lithofacies complexes of sediments in the substratum of level Vla and filling of kettle 16 (A-I), lithofacies
sets and generation of sediment disturbances of the kettle (A-II) and a synthetic profile of sediments around the kettle (A-III).
B: Types of kettles (1-4) with cross-section of sediments deposited during the 1918 jökulhlaup, according to Maizels (1992).
1) lithofacies sets of sediment complexes: substratum (A-B), fluvioglacial deposits (C-E) and melt-out kettle fill (F-J), 2)
parts of lithofacies sets (I-J), 3) lithofacies sets of sandur complexes from the 1918 jökulhlaup (Maizels, 1992), 4) borders
of lithofacies sets and their parts, 5) borders of lithofacies complexes, 6) older substratum of sandur deposits, 7) sandur
deposits, 8) sandur melt-out diamicton, 9) fine- and medium-grained sands, 10) basic diamicton, 11) varigrained black
sands with diamicton, 12) fine grained deposits of pool sedimentation, 13) rim structures of basic diamicton complexes
(H), 14) zone of disturbances of the older generation within the sediments, displaying predominantly diamicton, 15) zone
of disturbances of the younger generation of the sandy and silty deposits of the upper part of the kettle, 16) litho- and
morphogenetic border within sediments filling a rimmed-normal kettle. — Setlagagerð jökulkers 16 og nánasta umhverfis
þess (A-I og A-II). A-III) Þversnið af sandinum sem myndaðist í jökulhlaupinu 1918 samkvcemt Maizels (1992). B) þversnið
mismunandi tegunda jökulkerja. Mismunandi setásýndir (1), setgerðir og seteiningar (2-3) og mörk þeirra (4-5). 6) eldra
undirlag jökulkersins. 7) yngri sandur, 8) útskolaður sandur, 9) fínkornóttur sandur og sandur með meðalkornastœrð, 10)
molaberg, 11) sandur afmismunandi kornastœrð með molabergi, 12) fínkornótt set, 13) jaðarmyndanir, mörk (16) eldra
(14) og yngra (15) hluta sandsins sem jökulkerið hefur raskað.
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