Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Qupperneq 15

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Qupperneq 15
The Westfjords Westfjords well into the sixteenth cen- tury. There are no sagas about these people. However, we know quite a lot about them through documents that have been preserved, especially surrounding the complicated legal wrangling that went on for centuries between the church and the descendants of Eiríkur over the property rights over VatnsJjörður.7 It is not out of proportion to speak of an aristocracy in the Westfjords and this aristocracy seems to live on at least until the end of the seventeenth cen- tury. Of course this aristocracy was relat- ed to other members of the dominant class. In addition, it is diffícult to see a clear continuity in the lineages, which seem at least to have been enriched by new blood in the sixteenth century.8 The major reason for the persistence of this aristocracy in what is today an out of the way part of the country must be the par- ticular economic conditions of this long period that made this region, more than any other in Iceland, a place where peo- ple could accumulate riches. Indeed, from the fourteenth cen- tury onwards, the Westijords area was where the wealthy men of the period lived. Why is this? The obvious answer is físhing. From the late thirteenth century onwards, físhing seems to gain impor- tance in the Icelandic economy.9 The dominant thinking is that not only were the local magnates in an advantageous position to reap profíts from all the fish- ing that went on in the Westijords, but that they were also involved in foreign trade, especially with England, in the fourteenth and fífteenth centuries.10 This would be the explanation of what seems to have been an exceptional accumula- tion of wealth. However, this view has recently been challenged by a scholar who believes that the Westijord's wealth in the late Middle Ages might just as well be explained by extensive domestic, rather than foreign, trade with fish prod- ucts.* 11 It is likely that further research will help solve this problem, especially archaeological research. Indeed, three of the articles in this volume contribute to an increased understanding of these issues. Among these, an overview article on físhing and the economy of the Westijords by Ragnar Edvardsson argues that fishing was always a primary activity in the region and brings archaeological evidence to bear on this. The data which has already been collected also suggests that there were transformations over the years and seems to fít the idea that fishing as an organized activity for exportation became an important part of the economy of the area in the fourteenth and fifteenth century. Edvardsson's evidence suggests that in that period seasonal fishing settle- ments were more often close to grounds where it was likelier to catch the larger variety of cod, marketable as stockfish in 7 On this see Amór Sigurjónsson, Vestfirðinga saga 1390-1540, Leiftur, Reykjavík 1975. 8 Þómnn Sigurðardóttir, "Vestfirskur ‘aðall’. Mótun sjálfsmyndar í bókmenntum", Ársrit Sögufélags Isfirðinga 43 (2003), p. 201-214. 9 For an overview of this see Helgi Þorláksson, Vaðmál og verðlag. Vaðmál í utanlandsviðskiptum og búskap Islendinga á 13. og 14. öld, unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Iceland, Reykjavík 1991, p. 440-477. 10 This is Amór Sigurjónsson's thesis. See his Vestfirðinga saga p. 77. 11 Helgi Þorláksson, "Fiskur og höfðingjar á Vestfjörðum", Arsrit Sögufélags Isfirðinga 43 (2003), p. 67-82. 13
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