Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Qupperneq 16

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Qupperneq 16
Torfi Tulinius Europe. The analysis of fish-bones found in middens corroborates this evidence. Fish was always important but in the period when stockfish exports were at their highest levels, cod bones are domi- nant in those collected in the fishing set- tlements. All this goes to prove the key role of fishing and other maritime resources in the economy of the Westfjords. Invoking an earlier article by himself,12 Edvardsson argues convincing- ly that in the assessment of land value in the region, fishing, driftwood and other resources involving the sea accounted for more than half of the price of property, which is a clear indicator of something never stated openly in the sources, i.e. the importance of the sea in the local econo- my. All this raises compelling ques- tions concerning the evolution of Icelandic society and culture. If fishing was a specialised line of work aimed at creating exportable goods, if the popula- tion was engaged in diverse activities, if indeed the accumulation of wealth in the late Middle Ages allowed for an increase in the population of the area, one can ask whether the society of the Westfjords was not more complex and dynamic than in other parts of the country. A sign of this is a vibrant lay culture that seems to have thrived in the area at least ífom the thir- teenth century into the seventeenth. It was lay because the Westljords are far away from any centre of ecclesiastical power. There are neither bishop’s sees nor monasteries in the region. The evidence for the dynamism of the culture of the Westfjords is varied and convincing. The existence of sagas such as Hrafns saga or Gísla saga, proba- bly composed in the Westfjords near the middle of the thirteenth century, is proof of literacy among - or at least around - the dominant laymen. It also shows the existence of a lively oral tradition con- ceming the past as well as a taste for and knowledge of poetry, especially the ancient "dróttkvætt" or skaldic verse. This is corroborated by diverse accounts in the contemporary sagas which show, among other things, that entertainment with poetry and story-telling was prac- ticed in feasts in the homes of local mag- nates. Also these magnates seem to have had poets in their household. There is quite a lot of evidence that these cultural practices - or at least some of them - con- tinued well into the seventeenth century. For example the late medieval magnate, Bjöm Einarsson (1350-1415) of Vatns- fjörður is thought to have had poets in his entourage and Jón Arason (1606-1673), another denizen of Vatnsljörður, com- posed a long skaldic poem, Eggerts- diktur, in honour of his great-grandfather Eggert Hannesson (1516-1583), who was the representative of the Danish king in the area during his lifetime.13 Anumber of sagas, especially late medieval romances, and saga manuscripts are believed to come from the Westfjord area, either because they were written there or had been preserved there. The earliest exam- ples of the late medieval genre of "rímur", metrical romances, are thought to have been composed in the region.14 12 Ragnar Edvardsson, "Statistical Analysis of the 1703-1712 Land Register: Four Districts in the North West of Iceland", Proceedings of the Conference ofNordic Archaeologists in Akureyri 2001, Reykjavík. 13 Þórunn Sigurðardóttir, "Vestfirskur aðall", p. 206. 14 Sverrir Tómasson, "Rímur og aðrar vestfirskar bókmenntir á síðmiðöldum", Arsrit Sögufélags Isfirðinga 43 (2003), p. 147- 170. 14
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