Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Side 18

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Side 18
Ragnar Edvardsson & Thomas H. McGovern ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXCAVATIONS AT VATNSFJÖRÐUR 2003-04 Vestfírðir has, for the most part, been left out in archaeological research in Iceland. However, in the past decade archaeoiogical research has slowly been increasing and today Vestfírðir has become the focal point of many research projects. The archaeological excavation of Vatnsfjörður in Vestfirðir began in 2003 and contin- ued in 2004. The excavation unearthed the remains of a longhouse dating to the Viking Age. The site is of great importance for understanding the settlement of Vestfirðir as Vatnsíjörður was one of the main seats of power in the area. During the late Middle Ages it became one of the richest farms in Iceland. Ragnar Edvardsson, The Graduate School and University Center, CUNY, Department of Anthropology, 365 ParkAvenue, New York, NY10016. Thomas H. McGovern, Hunter College Bioarchaeology Laboratory, Dept. of Anthropology, Hunter College, CUNY, 695 Park Avenue, New York, NY10021. nabo@voicenet. com Keywords: Vestfirðir, Viking Age, Zooarchaeology, Economy Introduction The summer of 2003 saw the beginning of archaeological research on the farm of Vatnsíjörður in Isafjarðardjúp. The research was part of a cooperative research program aimed at studying Vestfirðir (the Northwest) during the Medieval period. The primary goal of this cooperative effort is to conduct research in the fields of history, cultural history, literature and archaeology with the focal point on the Vestfírðir peninsu- la. The foremost endeavor being the archaeological excavations at the farm of Vatnsfjörður in 2003 and 2004. The Vatnsljörður farm was selected for assessment based on the fact that it is known to be one of the more important farms in Vestfirðir during the Medieval period. Furthermore, in the period between AD 1300 and 1500 it was one of the richest farms in Iceland. It is hoped that archaeological research on the site will aid in understanding the devel- opment of Vatnsijörður from its first set- tlement throughout the Medieval period. It is of great importance to continue to gain further archaeological data on the development of the settlement in Vestfirðir as recent research has shown that it differs in many respects to the rest of Iceland. The area itself is under-stud- ied and there is growing demand for an increase in research in Vestfirðir as it will improve our understanding of Viking Age and Medieval politics, society and economy. Historical overview The farm of Vatnsfjörður is located on a Archaeologia Islandica 4 (2005) 16-30
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Archaeologia Islandica

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