Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Síða 22

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Síða 22
Ragnar Edvardsson & Thomas H. McGovern (Hjaltason n.d., 28). Vatnsfjörður owned this site and thus was in control over the distribution of this particular resource. For most of the farms in Vestfirðir, the marine resources were the central focus of the economy and agricul- ture was primarily for subsistence. In most cases, farmers paid their rent in the form of dried fish or other marine products. This is a key element in the economy of the region as these products are easily exchanged and the archaeolog- ical evidence strongly supports the idea of an "Icelandic market," as marine prod- ucts are found on sites far inland in vari- ous places in Iceland (Amundsen et al. in press). Vatnsfjörður acquired dried fish, shark and cod liver oil and driftwood from its farm holdings located around the entire Vestfirðir peninsula. The dried fish and liver oil was probably stocked and any surplus traded or exchanged with other farms both within and outside the Vestfirðir peninsula. Driftwood was equally important for use in building houses and boats and more than likely also being traded or exchanged. It is like- ly that prior to the 13th century, farms in Vestfirðir traded marine products for agri- cultural products with farms outside the peninsula. In the 13th century, European markets became available for Icelandic marine products. This was due to devel- opments in ship construction as ships could, at that time, carry a larger cargo than before which made the export of fish products more worthwhile. The creation of merchants' guilds, such as the Hansa, also played an important role in the development of the fish trade in the Vestfirðir area during the Middle Ages (Nash 1995; Kurtz 1983). These developments opened a new chapter in the history of the Vatns- fjörður farm. The farm was already in a position of power in the Vestfirðir area, owning a number of farms and control- ling land routes in and out of the northem portion of the peninsula. The farmers paid their rent in marine products, which now could be sold directly to the foreign mer- chants who, more than likely, exchanged such items for prestige goods and also paid cash. The base of the economic power of the Vatnsfjörður farm is there- fore firmly rooted in the ownership of farms in the Vestfirðir area, not because of their agricultural products but because of the marine products they supplied. In the 13th-15th centuries Vatnsfjörður slowly increased the number of farms in the area and at the end of the 15th century most farms in the peninsula were under direct control of the Vatnsfjörður family. Archaeological survey and test trenches The goal of the 2003 project was to test the possibilities for archaeological research on the site of Vatnsfjörður. The objective was to survey the entire farm to locate possible areas for more detailed investigation. The archaeological survey was divided into two parts: historical research and field survey. The aim of the historical research was to locate refer- ences to possible sites, which were then located during the field survey. The his- torical research found references for 52 sites of which 33 were located during the field survey (approximately 70%). The sites that could not be located had disap- peared as a result of field clearing, road building and other 20th century constmc- tion. A few sites were also located during the field survey that were not mentioned in the written sources. The majority of 20
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