Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Síða 24

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Síða 24
Ragnar Edvardsson & Thomas H. McGovern Figure l.The longhouse at the end of excavation center of the graveyard. The modem church stands a few meters south of the graveyard and was constmcted in 1913. Certain areas were selected for excavation based on the results of the archaeological survey. The areas selected for testing were the old farm mound and an area within the homefield where the survey had located an oval shaped build- ing. Four test trenches, each measuring 5 x 2 meters were excavated. One was placed in the farm mound, another in the oval-shaped stmcture and two in close proximity of this stmcture. The results of the 2003 excava- tion indicate extensive cultural remains in the area around the oval stmcture, which probably date to the lOth century. The conclusion of the 2003 excavations suggested that the oval stmcture was more than likely the remains of a Viking Age longhouse as the excavation had revealed a central hearth and some post- holes typical of such stmctures. The test trench on the farm mound showed that the mound had been damaged by modem activity but the damage did not seem to be extensive. In combination, these results present the research with an unusual opportunity to examine the development of the settlement at Vatnsíjörður from its earliest beginnings in the Viking Age to its present-day func- tion in the 21 st century. 22
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Archaeologia Islandica

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