Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Side 26

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Side 26
Ragnar Edvardsson & Thomas H. McGovern Figure 2. The earlier occupation phase black, compact, with charcoal and small fragments of bumed bones. The entire floor was sampled for various analyses including retrieval of plant remains, although results are still pending. The thickest and best preserved floor deposits surrounded the fireplace due to the intense activity around the hearth. A small slot, a few centimeters in width, was recorded on both sides of the hearth. These slots ran parallel with the hearth and within them were regular- ly spaced postholes. These slots appear to be the remains of paneling that were on both sides of the hearth. Similar paneling has been recorded on other longhouse excavations in Iceland (Roussell 1943). In the northem end of the longhouse was a small pit of an unknown function. This pit measured approximately 50 x 50 cen- timeters and was dug into the subsoil, small flat stones placed upright along the edges and flat, small stones were placed at its base. Along the westem and eastem walls of the longhouse both postholes and postpads were recorded. However, more postholes and postpads will proba- bly be discovered once the walls of the building have been íully excavated. Later occupation phase The longhouse was partially abandoned at the end of the earlier occupation phase and from it was created a smaller stmc- ture with an unknown function. This smaller building measured approximate- ly 9 x 5 meters (measured on the inside). The building used the earlier longhouse walls on its north, east and west sides, however, a new gable wall was erected in 24
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Archaeologia Islandica

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