Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Síða 31

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Síða 31
Archaeological Excavations at Vatnsfjörður 2003-04 centimeters but on the farm mound itself 2-3 meters deep cultural deposits can be expected. The 2004 excavations identified a Viking Age longhouse, north of the farm mound. This longhouse had two occupational phases and, during the later phase, the longhouse had been shortened and changed its function. It is interesting to note that the longhouse at Vatnsfjörður is very similar to the longhouse found during the excavation at Aðalstræti in 2001. Both longhouses have the same north/east to south/west orientation and have approximately the same length and width. The central hearths of the long- houses are similarly built with similar dimensions. The longhouse in Aðalstræti has been dated to the lOth century. The archaeological evidence suggests an equally early date for the longhouse at Vatnsfjörður and, if radio- carbon dating concurs, makes the long- house one of the oldest buildings exca- vated in the Vestfirðir region. The effects of such an early date for the site of Vatns- fjörður will also have a broader impact on the historical view of settlement in this region. The results of the research at this site alone are contrary to the long-held notion that Vestfirðir was settled later than the rest of Iceland. The excavations at Vatnsfjörður are greatly encouraging and further investigation at the site will be of a great assistance in understanding various aspects of the settlement and its develop- ment through time. The role of Vatns- fjöröur in Icelandic history makes it, without a doubt, one of the more cultur- ally important sites in Iceland. On a local level it is the single most important site in the region as it was the main seat of power in Vestfírðir from the 9th - 15th centuries and is comparable in impor- tance with later sites such as Skálholt and Hólar. Further research will also increase our knowledge of Viking to early modem economies and produce valuable infor- mation regarding wealth and status of chieftains of the period. Such research will enhance understanding of how chief- tains came to power and more particular- ly, the foundations of that power in the Vestfirðir region. Acknowledgements: This research was funded by the Ice- landic parliament. The researchers would like to use this opportunity to thank the various people and institutes for their help and support. Ruth Maher gets spe- cial thanks for her patience and useful suggestions. References Amundsen, C., Perdikaris, S., McGovem, T., Krivogorskaya, Y. , Brown, M., Smiarowski, K., Storm, S., Modugno, S., Frik, M., Koczela, M. (in press). "An Archaeofauna from Akurvík, NW Iceland", in Environmental Archaeology 2005. Á.M.(1940). Jarðabók Áma Magnússon- ar og Páls Vídalíns, vol. VII, Kaup- mannahöfn. Diplomatarium Islandicum, vol I-XV, Reykjavík og Kaupmannahöfn, 1896-1950. Edvardsson, R. (1996). Fomleifaskrán- ing í Bolungarvík, 1996, Bolungar- vík 1996. Edvardsson, R. (2004). "Coping with hard times in NW Iceland: Zoo- archaeology, History and Landscape Archaeology at Finnbogastaðir in the 18th Century, Archaeologica Islandica, vol. 3, Reykjavík. 29
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