Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Síða 35

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Síða 35
Fish Bones and Fishermen: The Potential of Zooarchaeology in the Westfjords Phasing of the Gjögur Midden Even though structures on the farm mound at Gjögur itself were reportedly occupied down to 1860, the portion of the midden excavated in 1990 does not appear to extend into the early modem period. The absence of characteristic 17th-19th century Icelandic artifacts such as imported pottery, glass and clay pipes, which were recovered in substantial numbers at a nearby farm excavation at Finnbogastaðir (Perdikaris, et al., 2003; Edvardsson et al., 2004) combined with the calibrated range of the upper AMS radiocarbon date suggest a late 15th or early 16th century terminus date for sig- nificant refuse deposition on this area of the site. A composite bone comb side- plate post-dating ca. AD 1200 was encountered in a context (SU 43) approx- imately in the middle of the 1990 expo- sure. Near the bottom of the excavated profile (still ca. 80 cm above the non-cul- tural surface) a base shard of a rounded steatite vessel was recovered from con- text SU 60. While steatite artifacts of this sort are usually associated with Viking Age occupations in Iceland, some later imports are known and it is also quite possible that this battered fragment is residual evidence of earlier occupation of the site. Other artifacts recovered (worked whalebone, whetstones, iron nails) are not temporally diagnostic. The available radiocarbon dates and artifact assemblage thus suggest that the lower parts of the exposed midden deposit date to the 13th century and earlier, while the upper layers are mainly 14th and 15th century in date. For the purpose of this paper, the excavated stratigraphic units (layers) at Gjögur are broken down into 2 analytical units (AU, phases): upper and lower, with respective radiocarbon dates listed in Table 1 and graphed in Figure 1. As Figure 1 illustrates, the upper phases of both Gjögur and Akurvík are probably directly contemporary (despite some cal- ibration plateau effects) and that the lower excavated phase (AU 2) at Gjögur is likewise approximately contemporary with the lower layers at Akurvík, although the basal layer at Akurvík (con- text 24) may possibly extend into the AnTEphericcÖafrcmStdveretá. (1996); OCd \a9B-crkRamsey(2003); abr:4sd12prcbusrictTcn] Gjogur 1 ' 1 T qu9742 525±55BP > ^ gu9743 750+55BP Akurvik Beta 116969 460±70BP Beta 116971 750±40BP Bétá 116970 850+70BP 7^ 250CalAD 500CalAD 750CalAD 1000CalAD 1250CalAD 1500CalAD 1750CalAD Calibrated date Figure 1. Distribution graph of calibrated radiocarbon dates from Akurvík and Gjögur. Note that the basal date for SU 24 (Beta 116970) atAkurvik is potentially substantially older than the cur- rent basal date for Gjögur (GU 9743). Beta 11971 dates floor layers of a booth directly above the basal SU 24 midden. 33
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Archaeologia Islandica

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