Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Síða 44

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Síða 44
Yekaterina Krivogorskaya, Sophia Perdikaris &Thomas H. McGovern Figure 7. Distribution of reconstructed cod fish live length for the early medieval layers at Gjögur and Akurvík. The early Akurvík distribution is more heavily weighted towards optimal klipfisk production, while Gjögur is consistently peaking in the klipfisk window than in the later contexts at the same site. unimodal distribution centered around 60 cm reconstructed live length at Gjögur, and a bimodal distribution at Akurvík with peaks at around 60 cm and around 80 cm. Figure 7 presents the same live length reconstructions on premaxillae and dentaries for the earlier medieval contexts at Akurvík and Gjögur. In this case, the earlier Gjögur cod length recon- structions again indicate focus on the smaller individuals, while the Akurvík dentary and premaxillar reconstructions indicate a dual focus, but one more heav- ily weighted to the klipfisk. It would appear that in both time periods, the físh- ing farm at Gjögur and the físhing booths at Akurvík were catching much the same species of físh, but that Akurvík regular- ly landed and prepared fish directly with- in the stockfish window (particularly in the late medieval period) and Gjögur did not. Both sites appear to have consistently landed and prepared cod in the middle of the smaller klipfisk window. In neither case are these distributions a result of a random sample of the ancient local cod population, which would presumably have been dominated by much smaller fish as today, but reflect a selective com- bination of bait, depth, season, and físh- ing ground. Cod Ageing Methods While periodicity has been easy to record in other species such as salmon and in the otolith of almost all species, archaeologi- cally we rarely have the otolith and actu- ally the bone structure of cod has been proven extremely diffícult to read under thin sectioning due to the confused struc- ture and opaqueness of the bone. After testing, however, the method that was simplest and easiest has given the most reliable results yet. The centrum of the vertebra, shows a regular periodic struc- 42
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