Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Síða 55

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Síða 55
COMMERCIAL AND SUBSISTANCE FlSHING IN VESTFIRÐIR Magnússon came to Iceland with orders from the Danish king to conduct and supervise the writing of a land registry. He and another Icelander Páll Vídalín were to collect information on every farm in Iceland including, amongst other things, a population count. The motive behind this census and land registry was to acquire information for tax purposes. At the end of 1703 the entire population had been counted; however, it took sev- eral years to finish the land registry, which was not completed until 1712 (Magnússon 1940). The land registry of Árni Magnússon and Páll Vídalín is probably the only document that can be used to create a clear picture of farm economy in Iceland at earlier periods. The reason for this is that the registry includes raw data, i.e. total number of domestic animals, farm value and other economic values for every farm in Iceland, making it possible to analyze the data with statistical meth- ods. The advantage that the land registry data has over other sources is that it is less likely to have been influenced by the writer and the persons that submitted the data, i.e. the farmers. Still it should be kept in mind that farmers more than like- ly did not always tell the entire story; especially when it came to describing the productiveness of their farms and access to other resources. In spite of this, there is no reason to doubt the correctness of the numerical values for the total number of domestic animals. Statistical analysis of the farms in the northem region of Vestfirðir has shown that only 20-30% of the farm value was based on agriculture, between 15-20% from resources such as stranding and driftwood, but the remaining 50-60% is not accounted for. Statistical analysis for agricultural regions has shown that between 60-80% of farm value came from agriculture. The land registry does not give any concrete information about físhing, except for stating if a farm had access to the sea or if a físhing station was based on the farmland. Still, it does not give any numerical values that can be tested with statistical methods (Edvards- son 2002c). The remaining 50-60% proba- bly came from fishing and archaeological research actually corroborates this. However, more data is needed to fully understand the role of físhing for the Viking and Medieval periods. Archaeology of the Fishing and Farming Economy For the past 10 years excavations on var- ious sites across Iceland have produced a large number of faunal remains. These remains have been analyzed at the zooar- chaeology laboratory at Hunter College, CUNY, New York,. The assemblages have been shown to include both mam- mal and fish bones and all sites, whether costal or inland, have produced saltwater species, mainly cod and haddock. The role of fish in the Icelandic economy has always been viewed as a subsistence product and that it never really played an important part of the economy except for a brief period in the 13th-15th centuries. The archaeological evidence has begun contradicting this seemingly passive role of fish products in the Icelandic econo- my. The archaeological data shows that fish bones, especially cod, increase on Icelandic sites from the settlement to the present day. This clearly demonstrates that físh products became an important aspect of the Icelandic farm economy early in its history. The archaeological 53
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