Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Síða 57

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Síða 57
COMMERCIAL AND SUBSISTANCE FlSHING IN VESTFIRÐIR who targeted inshore fishing could do so from their own farms. The only require- ment for an inshore fishing base was a suitable landing, anywhere on their farm- land. This type of físhing was only fishing for subsistence and did not target a certain type of fish or of any particular size. Cod was the main species tar- geted from the offshore fishing sites and comes mainly in two sizes in the waters surrounding Iceland. The smaller variety is found in the inshore físhing grounds and the larger in the offshore físhing grounds. The smaller cod was generally not usable for the production of skreið (i.e. stockfísh) and therefore was primari- ly for domestic use. The larger cod was more suited to be tumed into skreið and was therefore targeted for both intemal and extemal markets. The importance of cod size was probably greater in the period before 1700 as these periods produced different fish products for export. In the early peri- od dried físh products were the main export items and in the latter period the market turned to salted físh products. The fonner was probably more difficult to produce as it required a certain size of cod and particular conditions needed to be met, while the latter was not as vul- nerable to outside conditions during its production. This is extremely important for understanding the role of marine products in the Icelandic economy and the development of the físhing industry during the period from 1200-1800; as well as the usage, size and placement of físhing stations. Another factor which plays a role in choosing a location for these fish- ing stations from the perspective of seascape is that fishing in Iceland has always been a hazardous occupation as weather pattems are unpredictable and can change without waming. Fishermen in the past practiced their craft in small open boats which were fragile and could not endure the full fury of the North Atlantic for long. For this reason, it was especially important in deep sea físhing for the fishermen to be able to reach the offshore fishing grounds in as short time as possible and to get back to base as soon as possible. Historical Classification of Fishing Stations In his seminal work on físhing in Iceland, Lúðvík Kristjánsson (1983) categorizes fishing sites into four main types: (i) heimræði (home base), (ii) viðleguver (shared base), (iii) útver (outlying base), and (iv) blandað ver (mixed base). These sites can be generally described in the following manner: heimræði was the place from which a fisher-farmer set out during fishing trips and was used gener- ally only by himself and his farmhands. Viðleguver is a place where many farm- ers from the region used a heimræði of a particular farm during the físhing season. Útver is a particular place on one's farm- land, not close to the farm itself, where físhermen set out on their físhing trips during the físhing season. The main dif- ference between the viðleguver and útver seems to be that the latter is not in the heimræði of a particular farm. Blandað ver is a físhing station that seems to be a mixture of the other three types of físhing sites. The word verstöð also appears in some of the sources; however, it seems to be a more general term for a hunting sta- tion, including físhing, with the main dif- ference being that it was always used for a site away from the farm. (Kristjánsson 1982, 32) 55
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