Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Síða 59

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Síða 59
COMMERCIAL AND SUBSISTANCE FlSHING IN VESTFIRÐIR Excavation on the other hand, does provide some relevant differentia- tion to support function. For instance, inshore fishing stations seem to have smaller and more varied species of físh associated with them. In contrast, off- shore físhing stations tend to single out fish of a similar species, usually cod, and of uniformproportions. In other words, the offshore físhing stations demonstrate a more or less homogenous sample of large cod. (Amundsen, et al. in press; Ed- vardsson, 2003) Based on the information revealed from surveys and excavation, it can be seen that the historical divisions, while correct and relative when speaking about the historical past and understand- ing the culture; cannot be recognized in the archaeological record. Such historical divisions are also overlapping in terms of their own definitions. Thus, it seems that a new classification should be developed based on the offshore/inshore distinction and not historical categorization. The rest of this paper will focus on those fishing stations that can be categorized as off- shore fishing bases and would therefore primarily have a commercial function. In these cases the sea and its resources were the important factor when it came to their location in the landscape. For other fish- ing bases that were only subsistence or mixed, the sea would also have played an important role but other factors need to be taken into account. Offshore Fishing Sites in Vestfirðir General fishing sites in Vestfirðir are numerous as most farms had access to the sea. However, sites that can be cate- gorized as offshore bases in the 18th cen- tury are very few and most of them in the northem area of the Vestfirðir peninsula. 57
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