Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Síða 63

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Síða 63
COMMERCIAL AND SUBSISTANCE FlSHING IN VESTFIRÐIR the northem end, a small hearth was uncovered which was made of three large stones. The hearth was very simple in form and was probably only usable for cooking small meals. Based on the hearth's being associated with the occu- pation layers, this building was interpret- ed as a small kitchen for the station. All artefacts found on the site were large metal sheets, some with rivets in them. These sheets were made of cop- per alloy and are remains of large cook- ing vessels. A fair number of iron objects were also found and most of them were boat nails. No ceramics or clay pipes were found during the excavation, which suggests an early date for the stmcture, possibly before the 17th century as it is unusual not to find ceramics on archaeo- logical sites dated after then. Moreover, at the Akurvík site similar artefacts were found in layers radiocarbon dated to the 14th century, which suggests a similar date for both stations. Unfortunately, due to the nature and composition of the soil at Sauratún, it was not possible to obtain adequate samples for radiocarbon dating. Results of the Skálavík Excavation and Analysis The Skálavík site is approximately 5 kilometers from the town of Bolungar- vík. On the site there are 12 large strac- tures visible that probably date to differ- ent time periods. The most recent stmctures are from the early 20th century as the site was occupied in the first decades of the 20th century (Ömefnaskrá Minnibakka í Bolungarvík). The excavation focused on an area where it seemed more likely to locate earlier occupation phases, possibly prior to the 15th century. During the excavation a small stmcture was excavat- ed. This structure was similar to that excavated at Sauratún, and measured 5 x 5 m, was dug into the ground and the upcast used to make the walls on all sides. The entrance was facing the sea, however, unlike Sauratún, the entrance was small. The excavation did not fmd any evidence for a roof as no postholes or postpads were found. The interior of the structure was filled in with mbbish layers and the artefacts recorded in these layers were dated to the 18th and 19th centuries, suggesting that the booth had been in use prior to the 18th century. The nature and the complexity of the site make it difficult to draw any firm conclusions regarding the function of this particular stracture and more excavation is needed here in order to understand the function and development of the físhing station at Skálavík. These archaeological surveys and excavations are however beginning to provide a clearer picture of the structure and func- tion of early físhing sites. It is quite apparent that the earliest booths that pre- date the 15th century, based on the Akurvík and Sauratún material, are small stmctures with no fixed roofs. More than likely, at these two stations a tent, made from skins, was erected over a simple stracture. The Skálavík excavation sug- gests a similar stmcture but the data is not conclusive. The occupation layers at the Sauratún and Akurvík sites also show seasonal occupation as abandonment lay- ers are sandwiched between the occupa- tion layers. These stations were built for one purpose and occupation was only intended for short periods of time. Therefore minimal effort was expended on the constmction of stmctures. None of the archaeological 61
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