Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Síða 67

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Síða 67
COMMERCIAL AND SUBSISTANCE FlSHING IN VESTFIRÐIR that there are regional differences in farm income and that Vestfirðir primarily relied on what the sea provided, fish, whale, fish and shark oil and driftwood. Agriculture was only second to marine products and never played an important role as elsewhere in Iceland. The balance between agriculture and fishing is an important factor in the prosperity of Vestfirðir and when this balance was interrupted by environmental or human factors, the consequences were devestat- ing. The best example of this is in the 17th century when both environmental factors and new laws, favoring agricul- ture, forced farmers in Vestfirðir to rely more on agriculture, resulting in increas- ing poverty of the region. The archaeological material suggests that the economic system of Viking age and medieval Iceland is much more complex than previously thought. The political and economic systems of Viking age Iceland was partially based on the control and manipulation of resources both agricultural and wild. In Vestfirðir the main source of income for farmers was marine and not agricultural products. The chieftains in Vestfirðir understood that control over fishing and the distribution of fish products gave them an opportunity to gain power and extra income. The surplus from marine products could easily be exchanged with agricultural products from other regions, which could in tum be exchanged for for- eign prestige goods. The control over the resources in Vestfirðir was primarily based on the landholding in different areas. Farmers in Vestfirðir mostly paid their rent in fish products which created surplus products for the landowners. Farms that were situated in a favourable location to control the distribution of resources, such as the Vatnsfjörður farm (see Edvardsson & McGovem, this vol- ume), soon became the main seats of power in their individual regions. The settlement of Vestfirðir and its development throughout the ages should not only be viewed from the land. In order to traly understand the region one must consider both the view from the sea as well as from the land. Any archae- ological research into Vestfirðir has to make the sea its starting point and under- stand its influence on all aspects of human society in the area. If this is not considered, we will eventually fail in our quest for knowledge and understanding as the 18th century scholar who com- plained that farmers in Vestfirðir were more interested in fishing than farming and put minimal effort into agriculture (Olavius 1964). Acknowledgements: This paper was made possible by gener- ous support from the Leverhulme Trast Landscapes Circum Landnám project, the CUNY Northem Science & Educa- tion Center, CUNY PSC Grants Program, US National Science Foundation Oífice of Polar Programs Arctic Social Science program, US National Science Founda- tion REU program, US National Science Foundation Archaeology program, the National Geographic Society, and Strandagaldur, Náttúrustofa Vestfjarða and various local institutions and people in Vestfirðir. Ruth Maher gets special thanks for all the help. References Amundsen, C., Brown, M., Perdikaris, S., McGovem, T., Krivogorskaya, Y., Smiarowski, K., Storm, S., Mod- ugno, S., Frik, M., Koczela, M (in 65
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