Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Síða 78

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Síða 78
James Taylor, Guðrún Alda Gísladóttir, Andrea Harðardóttir and Gavin Lucas m wide. The deposits mainly consisted of gravel spread and turf collapses. The deposits excavated were clearly related to the demolition or collapse of this part of the structure, with layers of turf being interspersed with the accumulation of silt deposits. The fmds from all these layers were characteristic of the date of aban- donment, particularly the pottery. Notably several iron rings, fittings, coal and bricks are probably associated with a cooking and/or heating appliance, were found throughout the deposits, suggest- ing that this room may be part of, or close to, the kitchen. To the north of the site a second, well defíned, room [1030] was targeted for excavation. After removal of most of the northem half of the post- abandonment turf debris (mainly turf col- lapse) in this area, a black, charcoal rich bumt surface was revealed. This may have been an occupation surface or per- haps primary destmction associated with buming. This room [1030] and much of the centre of the site to the west of wall [1032] was sealed by a band of loose sandy silt which was heavily bio/cryotur- bated and by sandy silt gravel. These deposits appeared to represent the inter- face between the archaeology and the topsoil. Across the site were several large irregular peat ash filled pits. These were mostly concentrated in a band across the centre of the site. One pair, sit- uated to the west of the site, appeared to respect the boundaries of an underlying room or space. The south-eastemmost pit [1023] was c. 1.79 m east-west by c. 2.24 m north-south and was c. 0.75m deep. The more elongated northwestem pit [1024] was c. 1.39 m east-west by c. 4.30 m north-south and c. 0.6 m deep. These pits were clearly associated as the pri- mary fíll of all was a fírm bright red and black charcoal rich bumt turf deposit. The secondary fíll was a crumbly bright pink peat ash dump, with orange lenses. Asimilarly irregularpit [1014] was exca- vated to the east of the site, filled with peat ash deposit with dark blue/black lenses. This pit was c. 3.9 m northwest- southeast by c. 1.6 m northeast-south- west. The function of these pits remains unclear; however, it seems likely that the bumt peat ash and turf which fílled them was bumt in situ, suggesting that the buming took place after the abandon- ment and primary demolition phase of the stmctures. Finds from 2003 and 2004 The finds assemblage at this stage appears to represent a rather high status 19th century farm (table 1). The largest group is the pottery assemblage. It is fairly remarkable in being dominated by the more expensive products of the whiteware market, and through the high numbers of teawares; given the period of the assemblage - i.e. c. 1800-1870, and the location of the site, this is considered unusual. Without more comparative data, it is impossible to be conclusive, but as a preliminary observation, it would seem that the farm at Eyri was fairly wealthy or at least aspiring, in terms of its ceramic consumption. Pottery vessels include bottles, jars, dishes, plates, cups, saucers, teapots, lids and bowls. Other material which indicates high status are iron fragments from a stove; bricks, pipe fragments and fittings, all from the same loctation in area F, room [1029] and near- by layers. Iron stoves were uncommon in the countryside but well known in towns in the 19th century (Finnbogason 1943:294-5). That might suggest that the 76
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