Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Síða 80

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Síða 80
James Taylor, Guðrún Alda Gísladóttir, Andrea Harðardóttir and Gavin Lucas 5 cm Figure 6. Fish hooks from Eyri, area F. Most common type was a fish hook with flat hammered head and a barb. deposits are somewhat mixed. Some of the artefacts present are from the post- abandonment period up to early 20th century, including common wire nails, barb wire and a plastic fragment. But nevertheless, the material and the objects represent what appears to be a fairly high status 19th century farm site by the sea. Conclusion and discussion The combination of the 2003 and 2004 evaluation trenches excavated on or around the farm mound at Eyri has suc- ceeded in demonstrating the substantial archaeological potential of the site. It appears that within the main farm mound itself, the archaeological sequence is both well-preserved and survives to some con- siderable depth. Up to 1.7 m of accumu- lation may be noted across the site and this is thought to reflect a lengthy period of occupation, and complex structural deposits. However, the trenches excavat- ed in the later season have also clearly demonstrated that the midden, to the southwest of the main mound, shares a similar degree of high preservation, par- ticularly with regard to the faunal assem- blage. However, it must be noted that there is, as yet, no clear indication of the depth or extent of the midden material. It is probable that the midden has been disturbed, most obviously by the large statue base set in the top of the mound. However, it could be anticipated that the landscaping and construction of the near- by road and footpath to the south may also have partially truncated the midden as well. The evaluation process has also demonstrated the apparent survival of the boundaries of the home field. Although only seen in part, it must be assumed that the home field could be traced across most of its extent. The most significant element of the work is the opening of area F, the first full excavation area to be stripped on the site. Although the deposits excavated thus far were exclu- 78
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