Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Síða 85

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Síða 85
Excavations at Hólskirkja, Bolungarvík articulated skeletal remains excavated at Hólskirkja aimed at identifying where possible the age, sex and living stature of all individuals, as well as recording any pathologies noted. The sexing of the adult skeleton was based, where preservation allowed, on sexually diagnostic characteristics of the cranium and pelvis (see for example Buikstra & Ubelaker 1994 and Walrath et al. 2004) and measurements of the width of several articular surfaces compared to standards presented by Bass (1995) and Brothwell (1981). Age at death of adult skeletons was determined using as many of the fol- lowing methods as preservation of each skeleton allowed. Helrn and Prydsö's (1979) dental attrition; the auricular sur- face ageing method devised by Lovejoy et al. (1985); the Suchey-Brooks method of ageing the pubic symphysis (Brooks & Suchey 1990) and cranial suture closure (Meindl & Lovejoy 1985; Nawrocki 1997). The calculations of the living stature of adult skeletons were based on measurements of complete long bones compared to standards devised by Trotter (1970), and in those cases where the long bones were fragmented, on standards developed by Steele & McKem (1969). Although methods have been developed to determine the sex of juve- nile skeletons, these have been shown not to be accurate. However, the age at death can usually be accurately estimated using the development of the dentition (Ubelaker, 1989); the state of fusion of the secondary ossifícation centres and epiphyses of long bones (see for example Schwartz, 1995) and by measurements of long bones compared to standards by Hoppa (1992) or Scheuer et al. (1980) in the case of foetal skeletons. Due to the generally poor preservation of the bones, this had to be estimated in several cases. No methods have been developed to esti- mate the living stature of juveniles. The collection of human bones from the excavation at Hólskirkja con- sisted of some unstratified commingled remains. The main aim of the analysis of these bones was to ascertain the mini- mum number of individuals (MNI) repre- sented. To attain this, the bones were sorted by element, and where applicable right and left side. Where possible, bones from the same individual were identified, whether by matching up artic- ular surfaces or the right and left side bones. Similarly, bones which obviously belonged to different individuals, for example difference in size, sex or age, were separated. Where possible, the age and sex of bones were recorded. The MNI was achieved by counting the most frequently occurring bone, and compar- isons of the age and sex, which was derived by the methods described above, of the various bones present in each col- lection. Test Pit 3 Burial 3.1 This burial came out in pieces during machining, and limited information is available. Five fragments of a coffin were retained, three of which were just small fragments of plain planking. However, there were two complete moulded planks from a large coffin (Fig.2); one was a thick, heavy lid keel (147 x 14 x 7 cm) and the other a mitred side plank with beveled edges (166/153 x 16x3 cm). Sixteen human bones or bone fragments were recovered and it is very 83
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Archaeologia Islandica

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