Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Síða 94

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Síða 94
Garðar Guðmundsson, Gavin Lucas, Hildur Gestsdóttir and Sigríður Þorgeirsdóttir 0.5m Figure 9. Coffin from burial 11.1. retrieve but was of plank construction. It was associated with a partial infant skele- ton. Most of the long bones, os coxa and ribs from the right side of the body were present, as well as parts of the left humerus and femur. No clear indicators of age were preserved. Aging of the skeleton based on the state of union of various bony elements could only be stat- ed as being under 14 years. However, the general size of the bones indicates that the actual age was not much lower than that. Two bones were seen to have active new bone formation. The right humerus had an area of woven bone formation on the anterior distal third of the shaft and the right os coxa and an area of woven bone formation on the anterior side of the ilium, superior to the acetabulum. These changes could indicate a wide spread non-specific infection, or, as is possibly more likely in an infant of this age, sub- periosteal haemorrhaging, probably due to a deficiency, most likely vitamin C defíciency or scurvy. Burial 11.3 The coffin was in bad condition, and all that could be recorded was that it was of plank construction. Associated was a poorly preserved adult skeleton. The long bones and ribs were present, but all were flaked and fragmented. No age or sexually diagnostic characteristics were preserved. Burial 11.4 As with the previous two, the coffin was too poorly preserved to note much except it was of similar construction. Inside was a partial adult skeleton with only the left humerus shaft, fragment of a rib and ulna present. No age or sexually diagnostic characteristics were preserved, the bones 92
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