Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Qupperneq 97

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Qupperneq 97
Excavations at Hólskirkja, Bolungarvík ing degree. Skeletons 7.2 and 8.2a have lost teeth ante-mortem, 8.2a and 8.4 have enamel hypoplasia, as has already been discussed, and 8.4 has a large carious lesion. There are a total of fifty-three teeth present in the collection and eleven have been lost ante-mortem. Of the fifty- three present, twenty-three (43%) have enamel hypoplasia. Forty-five have cal- culus of which thirty-two (60%) are grade 1, twelve (23%) are grade 2 and one (2%) is grade 3. There is one (2%) caries. The Coffins The coffins from Flólskirkja were vari- ously preserved; in general, those at the westem end were in extremely poor con- dition, usually just fragments of the sides, bases and lids of coffins that had also been compressed. Consequently, they had no recognizable form. On the other hand the coffins further east were increasingly in better condition, and in total seven were lifted. Infant coffins, being small, were the easiest to retrieve whole and three of these were lifted intact (7.1, 7.7 and 11.1), while a third was lifted in pieces (8.3). Three adult coffins were also lifted for further exam- ination (3.1, 7.2 and 8.4) but these had to be dismantled in the ground because of the size of the excavation pits; this result- ed in some damage and not all elements could always be retrieved as they were too difficult to reach. The excavated coffins clearly exhibit a great deal of variability and each is more or less unique; however, a basic typology can still be made: Type 1 is a lidded or roofed coffin with separate box and lid. Hexagonal in pro- file, it was the most elaborate in con- struction with mitred joins and beading along the edges, sometimes with elabo- rate keel tops (3.1 and 11.1); one without a keel had a cross carved on the top (7.2). While most the elements were nailed together, planks joined along the same plane were dowelled. Two coffins also had decoration in the form of attached leather pattems - wreaths, flowers and stars (11.1 and 10.3). Coffin 11.1 also had copper alloy crosses, two on each side, though only one remained in situ. The larger coffin 7.2 also had rope han- dles along the lower base, three on each side. Identified burials with this type of coffin included 7.2, 10.3 (unexcavated) and 11.1, and probably 3.1. Type 2 is a single box coffin, hexagonal in profile and with a square cross carved on the top plank. The side, base and top planks all overlap the head and feet plates onto which they are nailed. Identified burials of this type included 7.1. Type 3 is a single box coffin, hexagonal in profile but not equilateral as with Type 2 - rather the base is the widest and the top, the shortest. As with Type 2, the side, base and top planks all overlap the head and feet plates onto which they are nailed. Identified burials of this type include 7.7. Type 4 is a single box coffin, octagonal in profile and equilateral. It had a cross carved on the top plank and three rope handles on each side along the base. The sides, base and top planks all overlap the head and feet plates onto which they are nailed. The lid and end plates were in two sections and dowelled. Identified burials of this type include 8.4. 95
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