Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Qupperneq 113

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Qupperneq 113
Kúvíkur. An abandoned trading site but is still broadly from the 17th/18th century. II. The next phase differed from the fírst one. It consisted of four main layers. Two of them, on the southem side of the trench, were horizontal and compact, as if they had been trampled. The layers in the northem part of the trench, where it starts to slope, are very different and con- sist mainly of peatash. They are much more loose, suggesting that they slid down the slope. III. The second youngest phase consisted of many layers. As in the previous phase they are more compact and brownish where they are horizontal but get looser and much more mixed where they start sloping down to the north. There they mainly consist of peatash, mixed with greyish soil and some coal. A small pit, 12-13 cm deep, had been dug within the sequence and had flat boards of drift- wood at its base. They may represent a part of a small container or a barrel, that had later been removed and the pit back- filled with very mixed midden deposits, more compacted than any other layers belonging to this phase. All the boards are well preserved, each about 8-10 cm wide. IV. The youngest phase of the midden is by far the most homogenous of all. It formed the part of the midden that is vis- ible on the surface. The eroded layers have mainly come from this part of the midden. They consist mainly of fairly clean peatash layers with relatively few finds - mainly nails. Its thickness is over 1 m. The top of the midden had a thin layer of coal. Although homogenous, it is clear that the phase has been formed by repeated dumping of relatively clean ash. The amount of clean peatash in phase IV raises some questions as all other waste seems to have been disposed of elsewhere at that time. Since no other midden is visible on the surface it can be suggested that it was thrown down on the shore or into the sea. It is possible that the peatash was kept seperate because it was to be used as fertilizer. All kinds of ash were thought to be good fertilizers and peatash particularly good where soil was relatively wet, which could apply to the homefield in Kúvíkur ('Fyrsta bú- skapar hugvekja', 90). Since cultivation seems to have been intense at Kúvíkur it was considered important to see if this was the case. A soil corer was used and cores taken in a few places where lazy- beds and/or potato fields are visble on the surface. The results were negative - no traces of peatash showed up. Since the ridges are convex they are well drained and thus loose substances such as peatash could easily wash away. It should also be pointed out that traces of peatash and other fertilizers, such as dung and food waste, have been found in an old field in Ketilsstaðir, southern Iceland, using micromorphology. In this case the ash was not visible to the naked eye (Guð- mundsson et al. 2004, 101). It can be considered whether the peatash in phase IV derived from heating or perhaps from industry, that is the melt- ing of shark liver. In the early 20th cen- tury there were three iron liver pots kept in a special melting shed on site (Guðbrandsson 1970, 54). Today, the remains of one such pot can be seen about 100 m northwest of the midden. Peat was the most easily accessible fuel in Kúvíkur and known peat cutting areas are in at least 3-4 places close to the site. It is possible that peat was preferred over other types of fuel for the processing of liver oil. In a description written by the 111
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