Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Side 119

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Side 119
Kúvíkur. An abandoned trading site Conclusion The rescue excavation in Kúvíkur showed promising results. A fairly large assemblage of fínds was retrieved and the stratigraphy of the midden mapped. Trench 1 in the midden revealed up to 2 m thick cultural deposits. Organic mate- rial was well-preserved down to the bot- tom layers, v/hich could date to the 17th or 18th century, judging from the fínds. It seems that in the beginning there may have been a structure of some kind on the bank of the brook. When the structure was abandoned people started to throw rubbish into it and such disposal contin- ued until the site was abandoned in the 1950's. Apart of the midden deposit had obviously slid down to the brook and thus been carried with it to the sea. This could partly explain glass and pottery fragments that can be found down on the shore but it also remains likely that waste was disposed there directly. It is clear that disposal has been relatively intensive during the last phase, especially if it is considered that the peatash probably derives mainly from the houses closest to the midden. They include the dwelling and trading house of Jakob Thorarensen and possibly the byre of which the upper floor was inhabited, at least for some time in the beginning of the 20th century. Although quite a few people lived in Kúvíkur in the 19th-20th centuries, it is not likely that waste was carried to the midden from dwellings in the eastem- most part of the area, which was called "Á hlaðinu". Possibly the peatash in phase IV was produced not only by the buming of peat for heating but for the melting of shark-liver. Shark was caught from Kúvíkur until the 20th century. Trench 2, which showed obvious signs of human activity is, without a doubt, older than the last phase of occupation. The oldest finds in the trench date to the 17th/18th century. To reach a final con- clusion on the function of the possible stmcture, a more extensive excavation would be required. Kúvíkur is the fírst site from the 19th-20th centuries to be studied in detail in Iceland. Social interpretation is there- fore difficult even though plenty of writ- ten sources about the social environment dating to this period is available. Little is known about how that is expressed in material terms. The nature of the site is quite complex and it can be debated whether the finds assemblage represents Kúvíkur as a typical 18th to 20th century farm or a trading place. Until comparison material is available from other sites these questions will remain unanswered. However, it is perhaps ironic that one of the more common fínds from the excava- tion - glass chimneys from kerosene lamps - signifíes a major change in domestic lighting in Europe and else- where, from oil fuelled lamps to kerosene. Shark oil, which was the main focus of trade at Kúvíkur, was exported primarily for lighting - largely for street lamps, though by the late 19th century it was in decreasing demand, as gas and later electricity took its place. Nevertheless, in the 1920s new uses were found as refinery methods were devel- oped in Japan to extract squalene, used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. In the process, however, Japan also became the largest exporter of shark oil in the 20th century. It is perhaps another irony that much of the porcelain that ended up at Kúvíkur in the 20th century was from Japan. While the decline of Kúvíkur is undoubtedly caught up in many factors, it seems only right to point out that many of 117
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