Gripla - 20.12.2016, Page 32
Saga af Hrꜹngvidi Jòtun og Vikinga. af olafi Lidsmanna kőngi.
Saga of Hrok Svarta og ormi Bäreyar Skalldi nefnast allar ï Sturl-
Hier fyrir utann er Skiòldűnga saga, og Heidarvïga saga.
Sògu of Þőrir kongi Hundsföt og agnar Kőngi, getur i Hrőlfs Sògu
Saga af Esphælïngumm er nefnd Liősvetnïnga sògu; og eru n efa
margar fl[ei]ri81 slkar sem undir lok eru lidnar og menn vita ei hvors inne-
halldz verid hafa. Eg hefe sannliga oftt forundrad mig yfer þvij ad einginn ä
þeßari upplystu skrifgiőrnu olld skuli taka sier fyrir hendur ad giegnumm
ganga Vorar Gomlu Sogur. ad gi[öra]82 þær ï vissar Ætates. og upplysa
hvad, af, og ï þeim er satt edur ösatt, sem ad vi[ssu]83 er ꜹdvelldara ad sei-
gia enn giòra þö efa eg ei ad lærder menn í Kaupenhaf[n]84 þar sem eru so
göd äholld og undirbunïngur med allt slag giæte mikid ï þvij giör[a]85
Hvad hrærir Sòguna af Än Bogsveiger, synist mier hún òll stadist
gieta og [ei]86 olïkt ad Än þeßi lifad hafi ï noregi fm ärum ädur enn
Haralldur kongur Hi[nn]87 Hrfagri brꜹt sig þar til rikis og Eiddi òllum
fylkis köngűmm.
the sagas which this book contains I have written up in my spare time
for good folk for their amusement and pleasure. they are most of them
old and widely mentioned by learned people in their writings, and for this
reason I wish to persuade no-one that they are in every respect true. Our
81 only the “fl” is visible on the outer margin and the next line begins with “ra.”
82 the end of the word has been trimmed at the edge of the page, and what is missing can be
at most one or two letters or an abbreviation.
83 the end of the word has been trimmed, but this seems a reasonable guess for what was
84 the end of the word has been trimmed.
85 the expected form would be “giöra;” the resolution of the abbreviation sign, a supersc-
ript “o,” must also be meant to include the palatal glide. the end of the word has been
86 a negative seems to be required here, and I would suggest that “ei” or “eigi” has been lost
when the leaf was trimmed.
87 the first letter is clearly the cursive form of “h” majuscule. the following minim does not
close up with the second one, so it is an “i” followed by the first minim of “nn,” the end of
the word having been trimmed.