Gripla - 20.12.2016, Side 243
Nota super illud [omni honore dignos] quòd honorare dicitur creat-
ura Deum. Eccli. c. 7. v. 33. Honora Deum ex tota anima tua. Psal.
28. v. 2. Afferte domino gloriam & honorem. Subditus, Prælatum.
Eccli. c. 10. v. 14. In medio fratrum Rector illorum in honore. Servus,
Dominum : ut hic. Quicumque sub jugo servitutis &c. Malach. c. 1 v.
6. Filius honorat patrem, & servus, Dominum suum. Quilibet, Sanctum.
Psalm. 138. v. 17. Mihi autem nimis honoratificati sunt amici tui, Deus:
nimis confortatus est principatus eorum. Sed heu ! non judicaverunt
honorem animarum suarum. filii, parentes. Exod. c. 20. v. 12.
Honora patrem tuum. Eccli. c.3.v.7. Qui honorat patrem suum, vita
vivet longiore. Viri, uxores. 1 Pet. c.3.v.7. Quasi infirmiori vasculo
muliebri impertientes honorem. Juvenes, Seniores. Levit. c19.v.32.
Coram cano capite consurge, & honora personam senis. Par, Pares. Rom.
c.12.v.10. Honore invicem prævenientes. Infirmus, Medicum. Eccli.
c.38.v.1 Honora medicum propter necessitatem. Discipulus, Magistrum.
Sapient. c.8.v.10. Habebo propter hanc, claritatem ad turbas & honorem
apud seniores. Heb. c.12.v.9. Deinde patres carnis nostræ eruditores
habuimus & reverebamur eos : multò magis obtemperabimus patri Spirit-
uum, & vivemus.37
37 nicolaus Gorranus, In Omnes Divi Pauli Epistolas Enarratio. Selectis S. Scripturæ, Conciliorum
Et SS. Patrum intertexta ubique authoritatibus. Opus omnibus Ecclesiae Pastoribus, Asceticis &
Verbi divini Præconibus perutile, nunc primum ab innumeris aliarum editionum mendis expur-
gatum. locis S. Scripturæ & SS. Patrum citationibus: versibus textus Evangelici ac duplici Indice
illustratum. Tomus Primus continens Epistolas Ad Romanos, Corinthios, Galatas, Ephesios,
Philippenses, & Colossenses (Lugdunum: anisson, Posuel & rigaud, 1692), 94–95. Italics
as in the original (“note on this [worthy of all honour] that the creature is said to honour
God. Sir 7:33: Honour God with all thy soul. Ps 28:2: Ascribe to the Lord glory and honour. A
subject for the prelate. Sir 10:14 [=10:24]: In the midst of the brethren their leader is held in
honour. a slave for the master: as this one here [1 tim 6:1]: whoever are under the yoke of
slavery etc. Mal 1:6: A son honours his father, and a servant his master. Anyone for a saint.
Ps 138:17: But to me thy friends, O God, are made exceedingly honourable: their principality is
exceedingly strengthened. But alas! they did not judge the honour in their souls. Children for
their parents. Ex 20:12: Honour thy father. Sir 3:7: He that honoureth his father shall enjoy a
long life. Husbands for their wives. 1 Pt 3:7: giving honour to the female as to the weaker vessel.
the young for the elder. Lev 19:32: Rise up before the hoary head, and honour the person of the
old man. Between equals. rom 12:10: with honour preventing one another. The infirm for the
doctor. Sir 38:1: Honour the physician for the need. the pupil for the master. Ws 8:10: For her
sake I shall have glory among the multitude, and honour among the elders. Heb 12:9: Moreover
we have had fathers of our flesh for instructors, and we reverenced them: shall we not much more
obey the Father of spirits, and live?”).