Gripla - 20.12.2016, Page 268
Editorial conventions employed below are those described in “Leiðbein-
ingar um frágang greina” §14, in Gripla 10 (1998). a normalized text of the
annunciation homily from aM 655 XXVII 4to and the relevant portion
of its Latin source have already been printed in my 2013 article and need
not be reprinted here,25 but readings from this earlier witness to the text
are occasionally given in the apparatus where they can provide help in int-
erpreting the aM 624 4to version.
Annunciation Homily: AM 624 4to, fols. 118r–119v
[118r] ⟨a⟩ue maria gratia plena dominus tecum Þrennar kuediur birtuz j
helgum gudspiollum Tala sialfs kristz uit postola |2 sina sim(onem) þrenner
|3 uottar upprisu. Eingels uith mariam. maria uitt elisabeth. þad syner |4
þrenna birtijng guds ok samþycki þa er uard j hijngatburd cristz. þa uard |5
fridr ꜳ milli guds ok manna. j milli eingla ok manna. milli sialfra |6 manna.
þuiat missætti uard milli guds ok manna af epliꜳte euo |7 missætti uard
medal eingla ok manna fyrir drottnan diofuls er hann haf|8di ꜳ monnum
efter syndina. missætti milli gydijngs ok heidingians. vard |9 j truhallde ok
sida. þetta missætti sneríz allt j samþycki fyrir mey ok m|10odr mariam. Suo
sem þad hofz fyrir allra modr ewo. þad syner ofgat ok |11 bakferlat nafnít
ewo j quedio eingelsins uit mariam. þuiat n|12afn ewo er ofgat med aue.
maria þydiz suo sem siofar stiarna. þuiat |13 suo sem stiarnan er leidaruíse
farmonnum j hafe ok kenner þeim ríetta |14 leid til hafnar. Suo er enn helga
mær maria ꝏrugg leidvísun |15 til himneskrar hafnar ok paradísar uistar
aullum þeim er uꝏlgaz j bylg|16ium þessarar ueralldar ok til hennar uilia
lwta ok lijta ok hennar dæmum |17 uilia fylgia þad er ríettlætis uegr ok
25 Pelle, “twelfth-Century Sources,” 60–65. for a diplomatic text of the aM 655 XXVII 4to
version, see Hallgrímur J. Ámundason, “aM 655 XXVII 4to,” “útgáfa,” 14–16.
118r/1 Aue] space left blank for coloured initial A 118r/1–2 I have rearranged the order of some
words in the first lines, which are jumbled in the manuscript: ⟨a⟩ue maria gratia plena dominus tecum
Tala sialfs kristz uit postola |2 Þrennar kuediur birtuz j helgum gudspiollum sina sim(onem)...;
cf. AM 655 XXVII 4to: Þrennar queðior hittaz ihelgom Guðzpiallom Sialfs cristsc við postola....
118r/2 sim(onem)] a conjectural expansion (which I owe to Ian McDougall) of the manuscript read-
ing; see M. Nygaard, Norrøn syntax (Oslo: Aschehoug, 1966), 75. | þrenner uottar upprisu] imp-
ossible to fit into the syntax of the sentence and absent from the AM 655 XXVII 4to text; perhaps
originally a marginal gloss on the Resurrection appearances of Christ mistakenly incorporated into the
text (see Luke 24:13–34) 118r/9 mey] incip. ok (i.e. ) a. corr. 118r/17 ríettlætis uegr] Both this
reading and AM 655 XXVII 4to: litillætis tis vægr may derive from an original reading réttr lít-
illætis vegr; cf. Absalon’s Latin: rectam viam humilitatis (PL 211, col. 132B).