Læknablaðið - 01.03.2018, Síða 22
138 LÆKNAblaðið 2018/104
1. Bø K. Urinary incontinence, pelvic floor dysfunction,
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8. Bø K, Sherburn M. Evaluation of female pelvic-floor
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Introduction: Exercise can stress the pelvic floor muscles. Numerous
women experience urinary incontinence while exercising or competing
in sports. This study investigated pelvic floor muscle strength, urinary
incontinence, and knowledge in contracting pelvic floor muscles among
female athletes and untrained women.
Materials and methods: This was a prospective case-control study
measuring pelvic floor muscle strength using vaginal pressure meas-
urement. Participants answered questions regarding general health,
urinary incontinence, and knowledge on pelvic floor muscles. Partici-
pants were healthy nulliparous women aged 18-30 years, athletes
and untrained women. The athletes had competed in their sport for at
least three years; including handball, soccer, gymnastics, badminton,
BootCamp and CrossFit.
Results: The women were comparable in age and height. The athletes
(n=18) had a body mass index (BMI) of 22.8 kg/m² vs. 25 kg/m² for the
untrained (n=16); p<0.05. The athletes trained on average 11.4 hours/
week while the untrained women participated in some activity on
average for 1.3 hours/week; p<0.05. Mean pelvic floor strength was 45±2
hPa in the athletes vs. 43±4 hPa in the untrained; p=0.36 for whether
the athletes were stronger. Of the athletes, 61.1% experienced urinary
incontinence (n=11) compared with 12.5% of the untrained women (n=2);
p<0.05. Incontinence usually occurred during high intensity exercise.
The athletes were more knowledgeable about the pelvic floor muscles;
Conclusion: There was not a significant difference in the strength of
pelvic floor muscles of athletes and untrained women. This suggests
that pelvic floor muscles are not strengthened during general training
but require specific exercises. This holds especially for football, handball
and sports with high physical intensity. Coaches need to pay special
attention to training and strengthening women’s pelvic floor muscles to
reduce the occurrence of urinary incontinence.
Comparison of pelvic floor muscle strength in competition-level athletes and untrained women
Ingunn Lúðvíksdóttir1, Hildur Harðardóttir2,3, Þorgerður Sigurðardóttir2,4, Guðmundur F. Úlfarsson5
1CrossFit Sport, Sporthúsið, 2Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland, 3Landspitali, University Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 4Táp, Physical Therapy Clinic,
5Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Iceland.
Key words: pelvic floor, exercise, training, urinary incontinence.
Correspondence: Hildur Harðardóttir, hhard@landspitali.is
Heilmildir. 1: Samantekt á eiginleikum lyfs fyrir Ganfort® dags. 1. júní 2017. 2: Leske MC et al. Arch Ophthalmol 2003; 121: 48-56.
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Stytt samantekt á eiginleikum lyfs (SmPC) fyrir Ganfort augndropa, lausn:
GANFORT 0,3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml augndropar, lausn. Virkt innihaldsefni: Hver ml af lausn inniheldur 0,3 mg bimatoprost og 5 mg timolol (sem 6,8 mg timololmaleat). Ábendingar: Til að lækka augnþrýsting hjá
fullorðnum sjúklingum með gleiðhornsgláku (open-angle glaucoma) eða hækkaðan augnþrýsting, sem svara ekki nægilega vel meðferð með beta-blokkandi augnlyfjum eða prostaglandinhliðstæðum. Frábendingar:
Ofnæmi fyrir virka efninu / virku efnunum eða einhverju hjálparefnanna. Teppusjúkdómur í öndunarvegum (reactive airway disease), þ.e. astmi eða saga um astma, alvarlegur langvinnur teppulungnasjúkdómur.
Gúlshægsláttur, sjúkur sínushnútur, leiðslurof í gáttum, annarrar eða þriðju gráðu gáttasleglarof án gangráðs. Greinileg hjartabilun, hjartalost. Markaðsleyfishafi: Allergan Pharmaceuticals Ireland. Fyrir frekari
upplýsingar um lyfið má hafa samband við Actavis Pharmaceuticals Iceland ehf., Dalshrauni 1, 220 Hafnarfjörður, sími 550 3300, www.actavis.is. Dagsetning síðustu samantektar um eiginleika
lyfsins: 1. júní 2017. Október 2017. Nálgast má upplýsingar um Ganfort, fylgiseðil lyfsins og gildandi samantekt á eiginleikum þess á vef Lyfjastofnunar, www.serlyfjaskra.isActa