Fjölrit RALA - 20.11.1992, Síða 82

Fjölrit RALA - 20.11.1992, Síða 82
-78- The ordination and classification revealed that the vegetation in the study area was homogeneous and that vegetational differences between plots and sections, which could be related to the grazing history were not substantial. The vegetational differences found between plots were more closely related to variation in soil parameters than to grazing intensity. The plots were divided into two main groups acconding to their vegetation composition. In the first group were plots with relatively deep soil, rich in organic matter and with limited extent of bare ground. In this group species, e.g. Carex bigelowii and Poa pratensis, which make some demand for soil nutrient status were more common. In the second group were plots with shallower soil, poorer in organic matter content and greater extent of bare ground. In the group species, e.g. Carex rupestris, Dryas octopetala and Tofieldia pusilla, which are characteristic of open ground or nutrient poorer soils, were more prominent. The sheep were strongly selective in their choice of diet and about half of the vascular plant species showed signs of having been grazed. Grasses and sedges were most frequently grazed but shrubs the least. The most preferred species at light grazing were Carex vaginata, Bartsia alpina, Salix callicarpaea, Poa pratensis and Agrostis vinealis, while the least preferred species were Thalictrum alpinum, Empetrum nigrum, Equisetum variegatum, Silene acaulis and Cerastium alpinum. With increasing grazing intensity the selectivity was reduced and the sheep started to graze species which were littie or not grazed at light intensity. In the intensely grazed section the sheep grazed Betula nana considerably leading to the reduction of its cover. The abundance of individual species in the plant community and the study of diet selection indicates that Salix callicarpaea, Carex bigelowii, Bistorta vivipara and Armeria maritima are the most important grazing plants of the range, making up a considerable proportion of the food of the sheep. The average carcass weight of twin lambs was 13.8, 12.7 and 11.7 kg in the lightly, moderately and intensely grazed sections respectively, over the experimental period 1975-1987. In the intensely grazed section where each ewe had on the average 1.6-2.6 ha to graze, the carcass weight of twin lambs dropped to 10.0 kg when the grazing intensity was at its peak in 1981. The present study showed that the vegetation in the section had been over-grazed. In the moderately grazed section where the stocking rate was 2.8-4.0 ha/ewe, the vegetation did not show signs of over-grazing and did not differ markedly from the vegetation in the lightly grazed section where the stocking rate was 6-13.5 ha/ewe. The vegetation in the study area has been influenced by sheep grazing for centuries and it is characterized by species which are tolerant of defoliation or not preferred by the sheep. The plant communities studied appear to be relatively stable and changes occur slowly. The vegetation in the sections which had been protected from all grazing for 8
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Fjölrit RALA

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